Chapter 8

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It had been Petra the entire time. The one who gave Ivor a chance to get to Jesse, the one who had built the platform and inserted a trapdoor beneath it and set up the most amazing illusion even seen.

Jesse and Nikki were positively dumbfounded. The redhead was greeted like a member of the family in the Ocelot's hideout. She looked completely different too! Her red armor was gone, replaced by more casual clothing that included a simple navy blue shirt, a black vest, and denim shorts. And her bandana or course.

After a while, Petra found the siblings and greeted them with a smile as if they were old friends. This was a whole new level of,!

Noticing their confused looks she said. "I know this is weird, it's definitely something to get used to. Maybe we can start over on better terms." She extended her hand.

Neither of them shook it. She shrugged and withdrew it. "That's cool, I can't really blame you. Maybe another time. See ya," With that, she disappeared into the sea of leather-jacketed Ocelots once more.

Jesse and Nikki shared a look.

"That was...odd," Nikki said.

Jesse nodded in agreement.

Lucas appeared from out of the crowd, extending his hand to Jesse.

"We were never properly introduced, I'm Lucas, and these are the Ocelots." He gestured to the crowd behind him.

Jesse shook his hand. "Jesse, but I'm sure you knew that."

Lucas nodded. "Yeah, Petra told me."

"Speaking of Petra," He said. "Are you sure you can trust her? Are you sure she's not working undercover for the Admin?"

The blonde smiled. "She has my full trust. After what Romeo has made her, she's looking forward to throwing it back in his face."

"What exactly happened?" Nikki inquired, spotting Petra's teal bandana amongst the group.

Lucas' gaze shifted to her. "I think it's best she trust you enough to tell you that herself."

"Do we have any kind of plan on how to take down the Admin?" Jesse asked. "I mean, that is what this is right? A rebellion of sorts?"

Lucas nodded. "It is. As for what the plan is, Petra is our 'spy' if you will, so if anyone knows Romeo's greatest weakness, it'll be her. We've already arranged a meeting tomorrow to discuss when we take action."

"Great," He replied.

"Your room is next to your sister's, I would suggest you newcomers get as much rest as you can before we get started, you're gonna need it," Lucas told them.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Nikki said with a grin, her mind shooting back to the fresh, comfy bed in her new room.

"Thanks, Lucas," Jesse said. "This is the best thing that's happened to us in years."

He smiled. "Glad to be of service."

The siblings wandered back to their room, catching up as they walked. Of course, there wasn't much that had happened in the past few years, just them missing each other.

The tunnels grew quieter and quieter as the night waxed on. Nikki bade her brother goodnight and went to bed, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.


Nikki was awakened by a small noise in her room. She didn't know what it was, but at the same time, she didn't really care, she was comfy.

Fingers gently brushed some hair from her face.

"Nikki~," A gentle voice called out to her. "Time to get up~."

She groaned slightly, cracking an eye open. She saw Jesse standing over her with a smile.

"I don't wanna." She said.

"It's noon," Jesse replied.

"What's your point?" She asked.

After a moment of silence, Nikki supposed that her brother had left, snuggling into the sheets once more.

Curious, she cracked an eye open again just enough to see. Jesse grinned at her mischievously, and she knew immediately what it meant. Nostalgia filled her as a giggled escaped her throat.

"J-Jesse, don't you dare," She warned, scooting away.

Her brother's grin grew bigger as he began to tickle her.

"nO! JeSSe!" She squealed, laughing in between as she squirmed.

"I've got seven year's worth to make up for!" He laughed.

"Gahaha! StOP! No!" She exclaimed, trying to get away from him.

His grip was too strong so she tried tickling him back.

"Ah!" He exclaimed. He narrowed his eyes playfully as he grabbed her shoulders. "So you wanna play it that way huh?"

He started blowing raspberries on her stomach, which only made her laugh harder.

They roughhoused around a bit more, giggling and laughing without a care in the world. They were children again, making up for all the years they lost.

Eventually, they calmed down and Jesse hugged Nikki. They were both smiling bigger than they had in years, and it was the most wonderful feeling. Jesse sighed satisfactorily as he gave his sister a loving squeeze.

Now that they were together, they were determined never to be apart again. A knock at the door caused them both to look up.

"Come in." Nikki granted.

Lucas peaked into the room. "We're meeting in the main hall in about an hour." He informed.

"Okay," Jesse replied. "I assume that we just follow everyone else?"

The blonde nodded. "Yeah, but you'll be up beside the board with us."

"Why?" Jesse asked.

"Because we're going to need all the hope we can get," Lucas said.

"Then I'll do my best," Jesse replied.

"Great, see you there," Lucas said before shutting the door.

After a moment he peaked back through the small windows of the wooden door, seeing the two siblings share another embrace before they began a conversation.

He frowned, reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a folded piece of paper.

Unfolding it, he saw a picture of a raven-haired girl with cacti green eyes smiling up at him. Lucas sighed and put it back into his jacket.

"I promised I would avenge you, Jen," He said. "And I intend to keep that promise."

A/N: Sorry this one was a little shorter, but I hope you enjoyed the sibling fluff! And what's this? We have Lucasse! ...or did...hmm. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed.

The next chapter will be up soon!

The Admin's Reign: A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now