Chapter 6

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The early morning was greeted with clouds of grey and moderate rain, wetting the streets of the capital and keeping most inside. The quiet streets were quickly filled with much racket as guards escorted Jesse and his troop to the square. Families watched curiously from their windows as they passed by. Only Jesse knew what was going on, the rest were confused. He hadn't the strength to tell them.

In the square was a large wooden stage. On it sat three things, all of which made Jesse's stomach turn; A stump with an ax sitting on top and a basket sitting before it.

"What's going on?" He heard many soldiers murmur.

"Is that for us? Did we do something wrong?" He heard others ask fearfully.

Jesse didn't say anything, rather he stared at the tree stump, praying to Notch that it was all a dream. The shifting of the crowd and the rain dripping down his face soon brought him back to reality.

No, this was real, and soon he would see his sister for the first time in years. Yet it would be the last.

A few moments later, the Admin popped up before them, smiling cruelly. Ivor appeared next to him in chains, his eyes trained on the floor. Petra appeared a moment later on the other side, scanning over the sea of heads without expression. Her gaze paused for just a moment with she came to Jesse, who scowled back at her, then she moved on.

"Good morning troops!" Romeo greeted. "I'm sure you're wondering what is going on here."

Murmers washed through the crowd before he spoke again. "Well, we're here for a punishment for treason! An execution!"

All eyes immediately went to Ivor, who didn't bother to look up.

"Oh no, not him." The Admin said. "For you see, he is simply a spectator like all of you! The real traitor actually stands among you, and his actions are the reason for this occasion." His glowing eyes landed upon one in the crowd. The soldiers followed his gaze and gasped when they saw him. Jesse didn't look up, he didn't want to see the betrayal on their faces.

"Jesse here conspired with Ivor to free her sister from the brig, but not only that, no no, he gave each and every one of you hope," Romeo said. "Hope that one day you could somehow be free again."

The troop thought to themselves, remembering all that they knew of Jesse. In the end, they all drew the same conclusion: He did make them happier, bringing them hope for a bright tomorrow, the Admin was not at all lying.

"And it is this occasion with which I hope to make this point perfectly clear," The Admin's eyes glowed with anger as he slowly floated slightly above the stage. "You will NEVER be free!"

The troop gazed at him in fear. Some of them had picked up what he was putting down, their eyes growing wide. After all, what was the one thing they all had in common that he used to control them?

Their families.

"So," Romeo continued. "With that, I ask you this: Miss your family? Good, because you're about to see them."

An uproar exploded throughout the troop as guards led the prisoners one by one onto the platform. Jesse looked up in desperation.

It didn't take long before he saw Nikki and as soon as their eyes met he could see possibly more fear upon her face than the day she was taken from him.



At first, when Petra entered the brig, it seemed like a regular release. But when she unlocked all the cells, Nikki's chest tightened.

The Admin's Reign: A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now