Chapter I

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Meredith's POV

"Meredith Grey! Get out of bed and go get ready for school! You don't want to be late your first day of sophomore year!" I awake to the sound of my mother's voice, screaming. I rub my eyes and roll over to the right side of my bed, as I'm reaching over to grab my phone off the night stand, my bedroom door flies open and I catch a glimpse of Evil Ellis. Evil Ellis is what I call my mom when she's upset, but then again, is she ever not upset unless she's in an OR?

I turn my phone on and read the time, 5:45 am.

"Mom, it's 5:45 in the morning. I don't usually get up until 6:30." I say.

"Meredith, you can either get up, get ready within the next 5 minutes, and I take you to school, or you can just walk." Mom says while looking at her watch. I sit up and turn my lamp on.

"Mom, I'm 16, I drive myself to school now. Are you feeling okay?"

"What are you talking about Meredith?" Mom throws her arms up dramatically and rolls her eyes.

"I..." I start to say,

"Forget it, find your own ride." Mom says as she stomps out the door, slamming it shut. I roll my eyes and thrust my face into my pillow and groan. I slowly fall back to sleep.

I grab my phone and turn off the alarm. I roll over and get up, grabbing my phone so I can play music. I walk to my bathroom across the hall from my room and wash my face. The water is warm and feels good on this cool August morning in Seattle, Washington. I moved here last year from Boston with my mom. I turn on my "Dance it Out" playlist and start brushing my teeth. I put on light brown eyeshadow and some mascara, while dancing to my music, loosely curl my hair, and walk out, turning the light off.

I go to my room and walk over to my closet. I grab a pair a white washed jeans with holes in the knees, black converse, and a light grey sweater. I check myself in the mirror one more time, then leave my room, closing the door behind me. I go downstairs to the kitchen and make a cup of coffee. While I wait for it to brew in the maker, I pull out my phone and text my best friend, Cristina.

"Hey, you wanna come over after school today? Mom's got a surgery at 5 tonight so she won't be here." I hit send. My mom likes me to only focus on school, not friends or anything else. My phone buzzes. It's Cristina.

"Sure, but we'll need to order a pizza."

"Should we invite George, Alex, and Izzie?" I ask.

"Sure. See you at school." She replies.

I text George, Alex, and Izzie, asking if they want to come over. They all reply yes. I straighten the house a bit, fixing the pillows on the couch, taking the trash out. I walk back to the kitchen and pour a cup of coffee in a travel cup, putting a little sugar and milk in. I walk over to the coat rack, put on my brown jacket, then grab my coffee, car keys, and backpack. I walk out, locking the door behind me. I drive to school, but a light turns red. A blue mustang pulls up besides me on the right, blaring horrible music. I look over to see who would listen to that, and I see none other than Derek Shepherd in the driver's seat and Addison Montgomery in the passenger seat. Derek and Addison are seniors this year at Seattle Central, and the most popular people in school. Derek is captain of the football, basketball, and baseball teams, takes all AP classes, and is top of his class. Addison is captain of the cheerleading squad, head of yearbook and newspaper, and the president of student council. They're the power couple of the school. Derek is smiling with one hand on the wheel and the other holding Addison's. Addison looks over and catches me staring at Derek, she puts both hands on his face and starts kissing him. I guess the light switched to green, because I heard a horn honk behind me and the light's now green. Derek speeds off and I start to drive again.

A Grey's Anatomy High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now