Chapter VI

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It's been 2 weeks since Derek almost hit Mark in the head with a baseball bat. Addison switched schools. George moved away. Izzie moved to California, and my friends and I sit with Derek and his friends at lunch. I have a boot on my ankle now, and it's healing very fast. April Kepner and Jackson Avery have also joined our friend group. Sweet, sweet girl, but she's very perky. And none of us have figured Jackson out yet. The homecoming game is in a week, and the dance is the next night. I'm sitting in the courtyard with Jo, April, Jackson, Arizona and Mark. It's a sunny day today, which is not very common, so we decided to eat outside. I see Derek walking towards me through the doors leading out. He's got on a fitting dark blue t shirt and jeans. I think this is the first time I've ever seen him without a letterman jacket on. I like it, though; you can see his toned arm muscles. He also has an orange juice in his hand. He flashes his smile at me.

"Hey, Mer." Derek says sitting down next to me.

"Hey." I smile back.

"Here's your orange juice." He hands me it.

"Thanks, Derek." I say, unscrewing the bottle, taking a drink.

"No problem, babe." Derek says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I spit my orange juice out. Everyone's heads turn and look at me. I wipe some orange juice off my chin and look at Derek.

"Derek. Just friends, remember?" I state.

"Whatever you say, babe." Derek laughs, "Oh, can you come over tonight? I want you to meet my family." Derek says.

"Uh, sure. What time?" I ask.

"I'll pick you up after practice." Derek says and smiles.


I look in the mirror at my outfit. A pair of black jean shorts with a white blouse. I put on one of my grey converse and hope this is good enough to meet Derek's family in. Amelia, though, loves me. She and Derek are very nice so hopefully the rest are too. I go into the bathroom and touch up my makeup and then I hear someone come in the house.

"Meredith? Babe? Are you here?" I hear Derek say and I laugh.

"I'll be down in a second." I giggle. I'm not gonna lie. I like him calling me babe. I switch off the light, grab my purse, and walk down the stairs. I see Derek with a neon sign and a bag from Lush.

"Derek? What's all this?" I ask.

"Read the sign." He smirks back.

"Meredith, you're the Homecoming?" I read aloud.

"And I got you bath bombs and some body butter bar thing? Amelia said those are really nice and I got you three bath bombs. And they smell really good. There's pink, blue, and green. And I also got you a shampoo bar that's supposed to make your hair really soft. Not that it's not soft already..." Derek rambles.

"Derek," I interrupt.

"And it smells like a flower that's probably very pretty like you..."

"Derek." I laugh.

"What?" He asks, nervously.

"Of course I'll go with you." I say, wrapping my arms around him. We slowly pull apart and I turn my head and kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you." I say.

"Anything for you." Derek states as he sits the sign and bag down, "You ready to go meet my family?"

"Yea, let's go." I smile. We grab hands and he walks me to his blue mustang. He opens the door for me and I hop in. Derek gets in on the other side and we head out.

A Grey's Anatomy High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now