Chapter VII

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I'm sitting at lunch with all mine and Derek's friends. Most are talking and laughing, having their own little conversations; Jo, Lexie, Miranda, and I are having our own conversation.

"So, Alex and I are going to homecoming together, who are you all going with?" Jo asks.

"Derek and I are going together." I smile, looking across the table at him. He smiles and goes back to his conversation with Mark.

"I think Mark is going to ask me." Lexie states.

"No guy is going to ask me." Miranda says.

"Aww, Bailey. I know Ben Warren would love to ask you." Lexie says.

"Yea, and any guy would be crazy to not go with you." Jo adds.

"Thanks guys, but I wasn't planning on going. I was going to get a little studying in." Miranda replies.

"No, you're going." I say, not giving her time to say no, "Meet at my house later today, we're all going shopping. Callie, Arizona, Amelia, Jo, Lexie, and I. I'm even making Cristina come." We all look at her making heart eyes at Owen.

"Hey, babe." Derek says, walking over to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, lightly pressing a kiss to my temple.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Come with me." He says, winking his eye.

"I'll be right back." I tell the girls as Derek laces his hand with mine and drags me off. I keep asking him where we're going but he won't tell me. We get to an empty hallway, and he pulls me to the side.

"Meredith." He says, with a huge smile.

"Derek? What's going on?" I ask with a grin. I can't help grinning if he has his huge goofy smile.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you, too. But seriously, what's going on?" I laugh.

"I want to show you something; I bought you something." He says.

"Derek, you didn't have to buy me anything." I say.

"I know, but I saw it at the store and it looked perfect and so, I bought it." He says, reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a little black velvet box.

"Derek?" I say, but he ignores me, opening the box. Inside the box is a little ring, a ring shaped like a crown.

"Meredith, I know I'm going to marry you. I've known since the very first time we met for the science fair. You're my princess, my forever. Even though we're young, it doesn't mean our love isn't true." He takes the ring out of the box and reaches for my left hand. He slowly slides it onto my ring finger. I look at the ring, admiring the way it shines when I angle my hand different ways. It really is perfect. I smile at it, then raise myself upon my toes, wrap my arms around Derek's neck, and kiss his cheek.

"I love you more than you'll ever know." I say.


"This dress makes my boobs pop." Jo says, standing in front of the mirror, adjusting herself in a red dress.

"This one makes me look fat." Lexie whines, sucking her very small stomach in and out of a super tight white dress.

"My legs look fat in this but my boobs look great." Amelia says in a royal blue cocktail.

"Well, this dress makes me look hot!" Arizona says, walking out of a dressing room in a red cocktail dress.

"Wow, Arizona. That dress makes your legs look great!" Callie says, checking her out. I laugh looking at all my girls trying on dresses. Cristina is standing in the corner, in a slim purple dress that compliments her small figure.

"Owen will love that." I say.

"What? I..." Cristina stutters.

"It's okay, we know you like him. He's probably going to ask you to the dance."

"Whatever. Have you picked out a dress for McDreamy, yet?" She asks, changing the subject back to me.

"No, I'm thinking a simple black cocktail dress or maybe a maroon dress." I say.

"Well go find a dress so we can get out of here. We need to go study." Cristina says and I laugh. She can never loosen up.

Everyone finds their perfect dress and we all head our separate ways. I'm brushing my hair, getting ready to sleep when my phone rings. The caller ID shows that it's Derek. It automatically brings a smile to my face.

"Hey, Derek."

"Hey, baby. How was your day?" He asks.

"It was really good. How was yours?" I reply, laying down on my bed, moving my hand back and forth to watch the way the jewels sparkle in the light provided by the lamp.

"It was great, perfect, all because you're my girlfriend." He says and I can feel his smile as he says it through the phone. "Listen, we have to do something."

"Okay?" I ask, confused.

"Mark wants to ask Lexie to homecoming, and he needs our help."

A Grey's Anatomy High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now