Chapter III

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6 am. I get up early so I can go run to clear my head. My mom should have already left for surgery. I put on leggings, a jacket, and headphones. Pull my hair into a ponytail and go downstairs. I grab a $5 bill so I can get a shot of espresso at the cart near the school before I run back to my house to get ready. I go out the front door, and start running. It's a chilly morning, but it's not too bad. I run and I see the coffee cart coming up. I see two people, a boy and girl, yelling about something. I run up and I guess my foot missed the step because I tripped on the curb and am now on the ground. I hit my head on the sidewalk and I feel a pain in my left ankle.

"Hey, that was quiet the fall there." I hear and see a hand reach out for me. I grab it and slowly stand up.

"Thank you." I say and then lock eyes with the person. I'd recognize those blue eyes anywhere. "Derek."

"Meredith." He smiles, then has a concerned look on his face. "Your forehead is bleeding."

"Oh, I gotta go." I say wiping the blood off my forehead with my jacket sleeve. I turn to go and starting to run but my ankle snaps and I fall again.

"Whoa there," Derek says, "Are you okay?" He squats down beside me. I turn over and sit on the sidewalk, taking my left shoe off. I wipe off the blood running down my face again.

"No." I say, looking at my ankle. It's swelling and turning purple. I can normally walk with a sprained ankle but this keeps giving out. It might be fractured.

"Meredith, we need to get you to a hospital." Derek says as I put my shoe back on, carefully.

"Derek, I'm fine. It's probably just a sprained ankle and a small cut on my head. I have to go home and get ready or I'll be late for school." I say, grabbing his arm for support to stand back up. I start to walk, but my ankle gives out again and I stumble into Derek's arms.

"What do we have here?" I hear.

"Addison, it's nothing. Meredith fell and hurt her ankle." Derek defends.

"And is bleeding on her forehead." Addison points out. "Meredith, do you need us to drive you somewhere?"

"Oh please, Addison. You just want to end the argument." Derek says.

"I'm fine, really." I say, letting go of Derek's arms. I turn and start walking back, trying to look as normal as possible walking with a possibly fractured ankle. I wipe the blood that's running down my face with my jacket sleeve again. I look at it, and there's a lot of blood, I might need stitches. Great start to a great day!

I get back to the house and go to the bathroom. I look at my forehead and see a wide split that will need stitches. I sit down on the toilet and take my shoe and sock off to get a better look. The ankle is three times the size and the discoloration is very bad. It might be chipped. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Alex's number. Alex is the only one who won't pity me since I'm hurt.


"Alex, can you come by and take me to the hospital?" I ask.

"Uh, sure? Why?" He asks.

"Just come pick me up. I'm in the downstairs bathroom. The front door should be unlocked. And don't bring Izzie." I say.

"Okay, be there in five." He hangs up. I rest my foot on the bathtub wall until I hear the door open. I see the bathroom door open and it reveals Alex.

"Mer, what happened?"

"I tripped and hit my head and I think my ankle might be chipped." I say as Alex grabs a washcloth on the shelf and wets it. He presses it to my forehead and cleans most of the blood off. "And then I tried to get up again and my ankle gave out and I landed in McDreamy's arms and Addison was right there."

A Grey's Anatomy High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now