Chapter V

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Monday morning. I wake up and I feel like crap. My head is banging, my stomach is turning in knots. And my throats is killing me. I try to say something but it just cracks. I feel weak all over. I move my arm over to the bedside table and grab my phone. I turn it on to look at the time.

7:30 am.

I could go to school, I just don't want to, and being sick with a broken ankle won't be fun to go around the school in. I can learn about things tomorrow. I roll back over and fall asleep.


I wake back up and it's 12:45 pm now. I turn my phone on and see 5 missed calls and 7 texts from Derek, 17 texts from Lexie, and 3 missed FaceTime with Christina. I look at Derek's massages first.

Meredith, are you at school today?

Lexie said you weren't in first period.

Mer, are you okay?

You're not at lunch with your friends.

Meredith, where are you?

I'm coming over after school.

I love you.

Derek is coming over in about 2 hours. I probably look like a wreck. I force myself to get out of bed and crutch my way to my bathroom. I look in the mirror and my hair is everywhere. I have on no makeup, and am in an oversized green t shirt with no pants. First things first, I need to put on some shorts. I pull my hair up into a really messy bun that falls to the right. And if Derek is really the one, he won't care about my lack of makeup or my hair. I feel a stabbing pain in my stomach that causes me lean forward in pain. It's not my period, I have 2 weeks left. I open a drawer next to the sink and pull out the thermometer. I take my temperature and it reads 102.3. Great, I hate being sick. I carefully crutch back over to my bedroom and put on a pair of black athletic shorts. I crawl back into the middle of the bed and pull the covers over me. I grab my phone and text Derek.

"Hey, sorry I've been asleep. But I'm sick. Can you bring me some chicken noodle soup home? And some Gatorades? The light blue ones?" I text.

"Mer, I'm so sorry. Of course. I'll be over right after school. Lexie wants to come. She saw your text." Derek replies.

"Sure, Lex can come. Also, can you tell my friends why I'm not at school? I can barely talk my throat is so sore."

"Okay, I will. I'm so sorry you feel bad. I'll see you soon, Mer."

"I love you."

It's a big risk sending the "I love you" text. But Derek sent it earlier. And I do love him. As a friend. And it's okay for girl and guy best friends to say I love you, right? It's been about a minute since I sent the text and I haven't gotten anything back yet. I start to get nervous, did I say it too soon? My phone buzzes.

"I love you too Meredith. I'll be by your side in about 2 hours. We can do whatever you want."

That's what I love about Derek. He's so selfless when I need something. He's always right there for me. I close my eyes and I fall back asleep.

"Mer... Mer... Meredith." I hear a soft voice say, a hand is shaking my shoulder a little. I open my eyes to see Derek and Lexie.

"Meredith, we have your soup and gatorades. And I got to ride in the famous blue mustang!" Lexie exclaim. I smile weakly at her.

"Meredith, do you want to sit up to eat?" Derek asks. I nod. Derek comes and sits down on my left, helping me sit up against the headboard of the bed. Lexie comes over to my right and sits down on the bed. She hands me the soup, a spoon, and a Gatorade. I start to open the container, but Derek stops me.

A Grey's Anatomy High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now