Chapter II

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George, Izzie, Alex, Cristina, Lexie, and I are sitting in the living room with an empty pizza box in front of us.

"So, Lexie. Who was that girl you were sitting with at lunch?" Alex asks.

"Oh! That was Jo Wilson. Also a freshman and we have geometry together." Lexie replies.

"I'm still hungry. Does anyone want to go to the diner?" Izzie asks.

"I could go for a milkshake." Cristina states.

"Alright, let's go." I say, grabbing the keys to lock the door and herding everyone out the front door. George drives us all to Joe's Diner. We get out and I spot a familiar blue mustang in the parking lot.

"Hey! Mer, looks like McDreamy is here, too." Cristina points out.

"Who's McDreamy?" Lexie asks.

"Derek Shepherd." Izzie answers.

"And Meredith and Shepherd had an incident a year ago. But Mer caught feelings for him after." Alex states.

"What incident?" Lexie asks me.

"Something that we don't talk about anymore." I say, "Now let's go eat." We all walk in and slide into a booth. We normally sit at the bar but a few of the populars are sitting there. We order two extra large chili cheese bacon fries and everyone gets a milkshake.

"I have to go to the bathroom, Meredith come with me." Lexie says getting up.

"Okay?" I reply getting up with her. We start walking towards the bathroom and the populars are getting up and walking to leave. All of a sudden I run into Addison causing her to spill her milkshake all over me.

"Seriously?" I scream.

"Meredith, I am so sorry." Addison says, with a smirk.

"Addison." Derek says with a serious look on his face. Mark walks up behind Derek and starts looking at Lexie.

"Yea, you're sorry." I say sarcastically while wiping strawberry milkshake off my shirt.

"That should teach you for screwing my boyfriend last year." Addison states.

"Oh my gosh. Addison it was one kiss. One kiss, and it meant nothing!" Derek exclaims. Tears start to form in my eyes.

"Okay, you three, out." The waitress says pointing at Derek, Addison, and Mark.

"Come on." Lexie says, grabbing my arm heading towards the bathroom. Cristina and Izzie run up and start walking with us.

"So you screwed him or kissed him?" Lexie asks me as I peel off my shirt to wash it in the sink.

"She and Derek kissed, one kiss in the hallway after they won the science fair last year together." Izzie says. I start scrubbing my shirt in the sink. It's not coming out. I throw it on the floor and put my hands on the sink and throw my head down. Tears start falling down. Did the kiss really mean nothing to him? Of course it meant nothing to him. He's Derek McDreamy Shepherd dating Addison Freaking Montgomery. Christina, Lexie, and Izzie are standing around me, quietly. The door opens.

"Here, put this on. On the house." I hear. I look up and see the waitress who kicked them out. Her black hair is in braids and she has on glasses. She's handing me a soft pink shirt that says Joe's Diner on it. "We're all out of small's, so it might be a little big, but it's better than nothing." I wipe my tears off my face and walk over to grab the shirt. I read her name tag.

"Thank you, Miranda." I say.

"No problem. Now go dry your tears and go back out there with your friends and eat those French fries. I'll see you all at school tomorrow." Miranda says and walks out.

A Grey's Anatomy High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now