Chapter VIII

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"Mark wants to ask Lexie to homecoming at the game, after we win. He wants to do it in front of everyone. He just needs you to make sure she goes to the game and stays after."

"Okay, I can do that. She really likes him." I say.

"And he really likes her." Derek adds.

"And I really like you." I flirt into the phone.

"I really like you, too." Derek says.

"It's getting late, I should probably go to sleep." I laugh.

"Okay, goodnight Meredith. I love you, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight, I love you too." I say.

"Wait! Mer!" Derek says.

"What?" I laugh.

"Do you want to go to breakfast in the morning before school?" He asks, sweetly.

"Sure." I giggle.

"Okay, goodnight now. I love you, Meredith."

"I love you too." I say, then hang up.


"Two cups of coffee and two chocolate chip waffles." Derek says, handing the waitress our menus. He has on a dark blue button up shirt with his letterman jacket on over it.

"So, how's Mark wanting to do this?" I ask.

"Well, after we win, he is wanting to go over the intercom and ask Lexie."

"I don't know if Lexie will like being asked in front of the whole town." I say.

"That's what I told him, but he wants to go big."

"Well, maybe but I think she'd just like a small simple way like you asked me."

"I told him to just make a sign that said, 'Lexie, will you give me another W tonight and be my date to homecoming?'" Derek says.

"Aww, see. That's cute." I say, "She'll love that."

"Mark will agree to it if her sister tells him about it." Derek says, smiling. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out his phone. Derek types in Mark's name and presses the call button. He presses the phone against his cheek, waiting for an answer.

"Hey, Meredith wants to tell you something." Derek says, handing me the phone. I hold it up against my cheek and hear Mark tell me to talk.

"Just make a sign to ask Lexie to homecoming after the game. I don't think she'll want to be asked in front of the whole town." I say.

"Okay, Meredith. What should I put on the sign then?" Mark asks.

"What Derek told you to. 'Lexie, will you give me another W tonight and be my date to homecoming?'" I reply.

"Okay, thank you Meredith. I'll see you at school later."

"See you later." I say, hanging up and giving the phone back to Derek.

"Two cups of coffee and two chocolate chip waffles." Our waitress says, putting down our food on the table.

"Thank you." Derek and I say in sync.


Friday night, the homecoming game is tonight. They're also crowning the king and queen tonight. Mark, Derek, Owen, Callie, and Arizona were on the ballots. The king and queen will be announced during halftime, and Mark is planning on asking Lexie after the game against Seattle Southern High.

The stands are full on both sides of the field for the biggest game of the year: the homecoming game and rival school game. I go to the concession stand with Cristina and we see a cheerleader, a red headed cheerleader. She's standing with a few other cheerleaders, a black one, a blonde one, a dirty blonde one, and a boy cheerleader. She turns around and I recognize her: Addison Montgomery. She catches a glance at me and then her eyes light up. She and her squad start walking towards us.

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