Chapter VIIII

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I wake up and see Derek staring at me.

"Morning." He says.

"Were you watching me sleep?" I ask.

"Maybe." He replies with a goofy grin.

"What are you? Some kind of weirdo who watches women sleep?" I say, laughing as I flip the covers over and get out of bed. Derek does the same, but goes downstairs. I walk to the bathroom and pull my hair up. I wash and moisturize my face, then brush my teeth. I head down stairs to find Derek has already made a batch of coffee and poured me a cup. I pull out a chair from the bar, sit in it, then take a drink of my coffee. Derek is standing on the other side, leaning against the bar.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks.

"Great," I say, "And I get to spend tonight with the king of Seattle Central."

"I can't wait to see you in your dress." Derek says, taking a drink of his coffee.

"You're going to love it." I say, thinking about it. Black, form fitting at the top, but going out from the waist to knee.

"You're going to love my suit. My mom picked it out, with Amelia's help on your corsage."

"I have to pick up your boutonnière, but then I'm ready. Well, besides hair and makeup, which I'm doing." I say.

"Oh yea, Amelia offered to do your's, if you want." Derek says, "She really likes you."

"Sure. Can we run by the florist on the way to your house? And then just have to whole group there before for pictures?"

"Yea, that should work." Derek replies.

"Okay, well, I am going to go get my dress, then we can head over there." I say, sitting my cup down and heading upstairs.


I'm sitting in the Shepherd's guest bathroom on the counter with Amelia and our makeup bags.

"Meredith, I hope you and Derek get married." Amelia says, digging around in her bag.

"Aww, I do too. But why do you want us to?" I ask.

"Because you make Derek happier than I've ever seen him." She says, making eye contact with me and smiling. "Just don't take my big brother away from me, because he's all I have." 

"Don't worry about that, I'll never do that." I say.

"Good, because if you do, there's going to be major trouble between us." She says sarcastically, but part of me thinks it's true.

She does my makeup and I do her's. She's quite good at eye makeup. I told her I wanted a more natural look, and she gave me a brown, smoky eye and made my lashes look great. I gave her a dark grey smoky eye, short winged eyeliner, and long lashes. She put my hair into a loosely curled updo, with stray hairs falling out. Amelia had me do her hair wand style with a curling iron. We talked a lot and I got to learn a lot about her. Apparently, she has a nickname from her freshman friends, Hurricane Amelia, because she doesn't let anyone get in her way.

Then, we both got our dresses on and zipped, and it was almost time for our friends to arrive. I haven't seen Derek since this morning, he's probably giving Amelia and I bonding time. Amelia's dress is red and clings to her small figure in all the right places. She also put on red lipstick to match her dress, and has those classic black ankle and toe strap high heels. I have a grey converse on, and my fashionable ankle boot from the day I tripped and fell into Derek's arms. Amelia and I stand looking at each other.

"Here." She says, walking towards me with the red lipstick.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"Since your shoes don't really count and your dress is beautiful but only black, you need a pop of color. Red lips." She says, carefully applying the lipstick.

"Thank you!" I say, hugging her.

"Aww, don't get all soft on me. Just trying to make my brother happy." She says, throwing her lipstick back in her bag.

There's a knock at the door.

"Mer? Amy?" I hear Derek ask.

"What?" We both reply.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"Sure." She says. Derek walks in and a smile creeps across his face. He has on his crown, a black suit, and black tie; he is adjusting the wrist buttons.

"My two favorite girls look so beautiful." He says, wrapping an arm around each of us. Then, pressing a kiss to both of our foreheads.

"Whatever, big brother. I'm ready to get my dancing on." Amelia says, throwing her hands in the air and dancing out of the bathroom. I remember I have his boutonnière.

"Oh! Your boutonnière, I gave it to your mom so she could put it in the fridge." I tell him.

"And your corsage is in there as well. Our friends should be here any minute." He says, putting a hand on the small of my back, leading me towards the kitchen. We arrive and he pulls out my corsage and I pull out his boutonnière.

"For, my queen." He says, sweetly, sliding the corsage on my wrist. I look at it and it's small red roses and baby white carnations, and a silver band.

"And, for my knight in shining whatever." I say, carefully pinning it to his suit. It's a single red rose with baby carnations around it. Derek smiles, then leans forward and kisses my forehead.


We took pictures with everyone in Derek's backyard. All the couples look so cute, Cristina and Owen in their purple, Alex and Jo in hot pink, Callie and Arizona in green, Miranda and Ben in royal blue, April and Jackson in yellow, Mark and Lexie in white, and Amelia and Ryan in red.

All the couples are slow dancing right now, and no one, not even Evil Ellis could ruin this moment right here. I look into Derek's deep blue eyes and realize how lucky I am to have a guy like him. We're just swaying back and forth to the music while holding each other. I tilt my head up and smile.

"What?" He giggles.

"I love you, Derek Shepherd." I say, softly as I rise on my toes, and softly press my lips against his. I pull away and he looks surprised, then he smiles. Derek leans in and kisses me again. The kiss feels good; it feels right. He's mine, forever. He pulls back barely, our lips still softly touching and whispers,

"I love you, too, Meredith Grey."

A Grey's Anatomy High School Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now