{III:9} I Won't Cry

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I won't cry
Even when you say harsh words to break me
My eyes will stay dry
Even when your actions cut deep

My eyes will remain as clear as day
As I listen to every word you say
No, I won't let a single drop escape
So, go ahead, I dare you, break me.

Cause I won't shed tears you'll see
But inside, deep inside, my heart'll feel
It'll beat in painful melodies
As it breaks slowly to many pieces

Like a dam, it'll burst
Sending shimmers of forgotten feelings down my throat
Then I'll choke back the first sob
Then another, and another till my throat throbs.

Yet, for both oursakes, I won't cry
Letting the tears go is what we'll both regret
So I'll keep my eyes dry
Else you'll turn around and hold me dearly yet

Only to say the words another day
Words that'll slowly take my life away
So I won't cry, not today, not tomorrow
I'll let my eyes stay dry, for today and tomorrow.

Tophie's Note

Hey!!! Happy Valentine People!!! How did y'll celebrate yesterday huh??❤
And.... I wrote another poem!! Though unfortunately, it is not a love poem but its still themed red & white...

Keep the love coming people...
Your read, vote and comment are highly appreciated.

Thanks lovelies❤❤❤

Written: 11-01-18
Published: 15-02-18


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