Chapter 7

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After a having cheer up talk with Harry, I'm back to waiting for Lex. Today she's got cheer leading practice, so much for being too athletic. The stadium is huge but has less capacity than other stadiums. The space caught my attention until men with red and white jerseys approach me.

"Hey Callister!" they insultingly covered their privates as if I would die to see them. Of course Jeff the minisecule penis is there and his idiot friends who always seem to agree with him.

"Jeff, the doctor had difficulties finding your gender, they said your dick was too small." I snap.

I received a couple laughs from his monkeys until he balls his fist in shame. He  responds closely to my face "Haha bitch!" their proud faces walk past me. I roll my eyes, silently patting my back for standing up to that devil.

"Shouldn't you be out there?" a voice startles me, and I turn my heel.

A familiar face in the campus, what's his name again.... Li-.... Leon... Liam! Yeah his name was Liam Payne, the school's athlete for track and field. 

His brows raise, begging for me to answer. "What do you mean?" my mind didn't really catch up to what he was saying, he showers his drinking water before saying "-the cheer leading team."

I don't know if that was an insult or a compliment, but instead of snapping at him and being unfriendly, I answer him honestly, "Oh, I'm not fit to be with the cheer leading team, ugh it's just not my thing."

"Well you sure look like one, you should've joined." he smirks and I give him a smile.

No fucktard I'm gonna look like a dying seal. I hope he can't see through my thoughts.  "Well, enough chit chat coach is going to kill me if I don't run the lap once more, nice meeting you." he offers me a handshake, with no hesitation I shake it happily, nodding multiple times like a retard. 

So far he is on the nice guy list, almost all of the sporty guys in school are arrogant bastards. I take 3 steps higher to see a better view on Lex, who is owning it, and Kim who looks like an old soul was trapped inside a cheerleaders body. I believe Lex does the cheer leading thing better, but instead the villain was hailed cheer captain, well life is a complete bit-

"Alice right?" a random hand landed on my shoulder. Okay, what the fuck is it with random people trying to creep me out with their surprise introduction. When I turn my back, it was one of the guys I saw in the locker room minus the naked thing he had a towel draped around his waist.

Damn it forget about that memory!

"Yes, I'm Alice Rooke Callister." 

"Sorry about my team mates their a bit of a dick sometimes."

"Sometimes?" I tilt my head back in laughter and leaned on the railings, he mimics my action. 

"Okay maybe most of the time..." much better.

"Well on behalf of the team I would like to apologize for any bullying caused and, I know you didn't intend to do it so...." we had an awkward exchange of expressions, until we burst in laughter yet again. "I'm Niall Horan" I sense an accent but I can't seem to figure it out.

"I've only been in the school for 2 years."
It's quite impressive that he only had two years in Garfield but he got into the team instantly.

"You must be really talented in football, imagine two years and boom! Horan you're part of the team." I attempt to speak in a low voice.

"Hahaha maybe" he wiggles his brows while nudging his elbow in my arm. "I just really love the sport very much."he claims. 

"Tell me more about your 'so called passion for football" I'm interested, very interested, that I rested my chin on my palm. 

"Great question! Just imagine, more than 80,000 people screaming..." he jumps over the rail and points across the uniformed red seats. "football fans crossing their fingers for the team to win the game. And I will be right there in the center of the stadium enjoying the amazing crowd and how much they show their support." he points at the green grass. "playing for them, I guess that doesn't answer the question but I just love the adrenaline before the game and to see my parents proud, is already enough." he stares around in amazement.

"Well that was a very cheesy answer, but I know you're dead serious, well I'll pray for your dreams to come true." 


"HOOOORAAAAAAAN!!!!" Coach Pierce screeches all through out the place.

"They call her Pierce for a reason, it pierces my ear with annoyance!" he shakes off "Gotta go." he trails off and I'm left with laughter and humor. I'll remember that name too... Niall Horan.

 (Hello you have reached your destination, please leave a vote, some comments or suggestions in the story!! If you could then share this book to your friends including :

- Fate's Game and Verdict of the Heart by Aaaccchhhoocuti 

-1000 Ways on How to Annoy People by christwine5sos

-Unexpectedly In Love With You by angenlicamayyy

-Beyond by Nouhazzayne 

-Signed Up for Horan by Leighrectioner37th 

and *drum roll* AFTER!!!!! The book is going to finish soon though... T_T -Audirectioner1Dxx)

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