Chapter 33

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This chapter is dedicated to *drumroll* Wendy!

Ohlo! Please don't get bored of the book, and thank youuuuu very much for giving it a chance . You're awesome and your gift is very useful, I called him Burr~lap because his fabric is like a burlap(to tired to google it) sack and whenever I'm cold *burr* or sad I can go ahead and hug him bec life is too short for people who suck out the happiness in you. ✔

I'm not 100% sure if entering this room would be right, considering the last time I went in it turned out to be such a blessing in life. They said he was saying my name the whole time they carried him here, he needs me?

He needs me. Still I held the knob in doubt, maybe I should wait for the boys to come out, yeah I should.

Why does he need a girl he just knew for two weeks and why am I so bothered about it. I think it's very forward and stu-

"Guys, we have a game to finish..." I hear Liam dismiss Niall politely and it was followed by a couple of guys. "Yeah you should, win it for me okay? And for the school."


I'm preparing myself before they open the door, take a big breath and don't embarrass yourself.

"Ah-Alice, Niall's inside." Liam gives me a small smile, and even that heartless jerk, Jeff was sad for a moment. I replied with a nod and slowly made my way through the room.

"Good luck Vikings!" Hooray team spirit. I yelled once more before focusing on an injured star player.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" I literally squeeked in the small yet lit up space. He's sitting at the edge of a cushioned bench, smiling at me brightly. "I'm feeling horrible to be honest. Both physically and emotionally."

I walked closer to him, leaning on a tile wall. It's undeniably hot out here.
Not hot hot, I mean hot warm. Yeah.

"I let the team down, I let the crowd down, I let you down." Our eyes locked for a moment, why does this happen all the time. His blue eyes looked brighter in the dark, I just can't seem to find a clue. Why is letting me down such a big deal for him.
With the last bit of sanity remaining within me, I continue the conversation "You didn't let me down." My chest is already feeling heavy, I don't want to expect but I think he's going to-

"I wouldn't want to embarrass myself in front of the lady I admire..."

"What." Oh satan, why are you doing this to me.

"I'm not gonna lie, I liked you from a distance." He's laughing it off when I'm this close to bursting. Blushing is weird. Lifting his injured leg, and making himself comfortable on the small bench he muttered "I told you, guys can keep a secret more than girls can."

"Stop shitting with my feelings Horan, it's not funny!" I'm not physically, mentally and emotionally stable for this. Talk about the I don't know why I reacted furiously, a man just said he liked, likes me.

"I'm not, I'm not, but today I got the balls to tell you I like you." The atmosphere's intensity went down a bit.

"I'm sorry, I know we've only known each other. But I just can't close this chapter of my life without telling you."

"If you're not joking, how long?" I sound so fucking naive, but he's sort of sincere. Whatever this feeling at the pit of my stomach is, it made me sit down the bench, hands covering ny face.

"In the middle of Junior year." He sounds slightly down "Am I creeping you out?"

"No, no, no no you're not creeping me out it's just-" I bit my lip so hard, I think it may bleed any moment now. I closed my eyes and squeeked.

"Pressure" turns out we ended up saying it in unison.

I can't tell it right now, but I feel like, like it's just same old pressure kicking me in the ass.

"You don't have to make your mind up right now, don't rush." He then slowly dropped his leg on the floor and imitated my last position.

"I'm sorry for surprising you out of nowhere..."
As time goes by the bile has continued rising up unto my throat, it could choke me. My breath hitched and I swallowed it down "-It's fine."

"Really?" He gleefully tries to stand but ends up yelping in pain. I quickly shot up from my seat and supported him. Slowly we sat back down "Really?"

And in that same unreasonable warm and fuzzy moment, our eyes pierced.

Our faces got closer, could this be gravity? It was the same scene in the movies where the drumrolls sound and our fingers cross and...


The lovers kiss.

Harry will surely be mad about this.

Shut up voice, Harry would certainly not care about this, and he's a jerk. I can move on from whatever spell he placed me into.

I went for it. I lean in and kiss Niall, I could tell that gave him a jolt of shock, but after a few seconds he began to respond.

He broke the kiss muttering "damn" and pulled me in again. I thought for that short span that he would reject me.

Stop thinking. That wasn't my regular obnoxious inside voice, it sounded like Barney Stinson. What a legendary man.

"What's wrong." I hadn't realized I stopped kissing, wow way to go. This is more embarrassing than I thought. "N-nothing, just. Something just sprouted out of my mind or shit" Blinking a few times isn't helping because fuck it is real.

"I'm sorry."

"You're a good kisser." He says out of nowhere. And just like that, I lost my lip virginity to Niall Horan.

(Dun du du dun! Congratulations! You finished that crap, read, fan, vote, comment please, please, please. It's a ghost town around here. And read le books in the reading list, they're purdy cool ya know. Go ahead and type anything down there, even if you comment bullshit, I will appreciate it. 99.99% yass.

D O U B L E - U P D A T E

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