Chapter 8

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"Ally are my extra clothes with you?" a sweaty Lex greets me and I swear if she doesn't wash herself at this very moment I will drag her into the locker room.

"Yes, safe and sound." I don't want to have history repeated, and I know doing this will change a lot of her schedule, doubling her burden. Not that I'm lazy but I am afraid the events will repeat again.

Just when she was about to go out, "Lex I have to talk to you... about something." I held her arms and a her sweat touched my palm. (Damn shouldn't have touched that)

"Maybe after I have a shower?" her voice comes impatient.

"Okay sure, sure!" I push her into the room.

I better choose the right words or else I may end up hurting her feelings, and ain't nobody got time for that.

What is wrong with me?? Bad thoughts are slowly consuming me, the worst attitude I have is being pessimistic. What if she suddenly breaks down, or gets mad, or she just might ignore me? What if I sound selfish, and we get to the point where we blame each other's mistakes.

You think everything is about me? It's all about you. If those words ever leave her mouth I will regret even thinking about the topic. I know I usually push her annoying ass around, but sometimes her dominion and power over me pressures the hell out of my brain! I'm just afraid of the outcome, because we're like Holmes and Watson, Frodo and Sam...

Even better Phineas and Ferb! 

"So, what did you want to talk about?" she says removing the towel wrapped around her hair.

"I wanted to ask you... If- if it was alright to do some changes..."

"What changes?" her voice is flat, damn it Lex can you at least give me a clear expression so I can predict the next scene!

She laughed.

SHE LAUGHED. Wtf is she trying to do, it's not lighting me up it's making me nervous.

"C'mon spill it!" 

"Okay okay! I can't, I can't do this stuff anymore the bringing your clothes cycle." cue the face palms! 

"That's it.."

"What do you mean that's it... Is it good? Is it bad?" I'm confused. Woman give me a sign!

"I'm good with it!" she paused.... "I know you want to spend lots of time with nerdy, and we're one grading away from the Finals anyway!"

"No-" she pats and pulls me into a hug "Shut up and don't break the moment" okay, okay... that was weird.




"You mean you have nothing to do right now?" he asks me while clearing up all his books in the table.

"Yeah, I'm finally over being the human cabinet."lol

"Well we could ...." the sentence ended with a mutter.

What the heck is he saying?

" Yeah I guess we could eat food with butter?"  I replied, the sentence doesn't make sense at all.

"No I meant, we could walk home together." for a minute my whole world stopped.

My knees are so close to fainting, thank you Hazza for insisting!

"Sure." I'm trying my best to hide the feelings inside, curse you heart! 




"So Ally, how do you imagine yourself after graduation? I mean where do you see yourself after gradation?" 

I don't have plans in life, do I? Since all I think about is the present besides it's not the right time yet.

"I don't know I just want to enjoy life as a high school student right now!" 

"Well what do you want to do after the high school life?" we're getting closer to my garage. Maybe, I can escape his question! I just don't wanna think about the future yet. I stride in the left direction.

But instead of leaving me he follows my direction! "Aren't you going home?" I sass him off.

"I got time to spare, I want to spend it with you." not now bae, not now. 

"But I need to help dad with his stuff." 

"I can help too." he even opened the garage door for me. Sweet. But annoying sweet.

(Hey there guys this is a Harry Styles fanfic but Harry and Ally are not interacting much... Sorry I promise to make them interact more please be patient with me :) And the continuation will be in the next chapter... Sorry if I update too long it's such a busy week in our school, K-12 and all, there are a lot of projects like fuck I want to escape them all! -Advertising books in my Reading List, so far they are awesome!! -Audirectioner1D xx) 

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