chapter one

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I walk down the stairs of my highschool, waving to people as I pass and sending a few winks to boys who smile at me. I reach my fifth period class and make my way to the desk which is near the front of the class, I sit next to my best friend, Hailey, and on the other side of me is my best friend Erin. I place my bag next to my desk and take a seat, tucking my dress underneathe me. I cross my legs and start examining my fingernail polish while I listen to Hailey talking to me about the most recent gossip while we waited for Erin to get here, she was always late. Everyone gets quiet and I look next to me to see a new boy sitting in Erin's seat.

"Excuse me, that's somebody's seat already," I say with a fake smile and the stranger raises his eyebrows and scoffs.

"Oh, I'm sorry princess, I didn't see anyone's name on it," He says and I raise my eyebrows at him as everybody 'ohs'.

"You must be new, sorry, I'm Abby, now can you please get your dirty ass out of my best friend's seat? Thank you, also, it looks like you haven't washed those jeans in two months, do you not own a washing machine?" I say and everyone laughs and he just rolls his eyes.

"I'm sorry, not all of us have servants to do everything for us," He spits at me and stands from the desk and moves to the back of the class. I roll my eyes and Erin finally enters the classroom as the bell rings.

"About time, Erin, you know what I had to go through just to get you that seat? I had to talk to the new kid, get here earlier next time," I say and she nods, apologizing.

"You know, he's kind of hot, in a bad boy kind of way," Hailey says to me and I turn around to look at him, he's texting.

"I want to know more about him before I call him hot, he's probably a moron," I say and the girls laugh. He looks up and raises an eyebrow. He flips me off and I roll my eyes and mouth 'fuck off' and he just rolls his eyes at me. We won't be getting along.

"Well class, we have a new student joining us today, Ashton Irwin, why don't you come and tell us a bit about yourself?" The teacher says and I turn to look at him and smirk. He rolls his eyes.

"I think I'm fine back here, thank you," He says and everyone laughs and the teacher's eyes widen.

"Well, could you tell us where you're from?" She asks.

"Don't you have that in your files?" He says and even I laugh a bit, and he smiles slightly at me. He was kind of hot, but definitely not my type.

"Please, Mr. Irwin-" The teacher starts but he laughs.

"Mr. Irwin? Christ, I'm eighteen, I'm not fifty," He says and the whole class bursts into laughter including me.

"Alright, moving on," My teacher begins droning on about History and I just tap my fingernails on the desk lightly and nearly fall asleep. The only thing keeping me awake are Ashton's comments from the back of the classroom that are quiet but loud enough for everyone except the teacher can hear. He was such a smartass. The bell finally rings and he shouts, "Praise Jesus!" and everyone laughs histarically. He makes this class less boring. Even though he was a total ass this morning he was pretty funny.

I was making my way outside the classroom with Erin and Hailey when Hailey's boyfriend, Calum, attacks her face and I groan in disgust. They've been together for six months, it's disgustingly adorable. I'm not one for commitments, they aren't worth the work. I make my way to lunch with Erin next to me and Hailey and her boyfriend trailing behind us being coupley. We got to our regular table and I sit down inbetween Hailey and Erin.

I look at the double doors as Ashton Irwin walks outside with a cigarette dangling from his teeth, unlit. He had taken his leather jacket off to reveal a black t-shirt with lettering I couldn't quite decifer. He had a half sleeve on the bottom half of his right arm along with gauges and a lip ring. Definitely not the kind of boy people would expect me to be with.

A few girls walk up to him, swooning and flirting and he just kind of looks disgusted by all of them. I laugh as they throw themselves at him and he just rolls his eyes and lights his cigarette, walking away. He glances at me and doesn't give me as much as a smile. He looks away and shoves his hands in his pockets and walks off of campus. I wondered where he was going but decided not to think about it. He was just a stupid bad boy.

The last bell of the day rings finally and I walk outside the doors after saying goodbye to Erin and Hailey. A few guys asked me to prom today but I turned them all down. I wasn't interested in any guys right now so I didn't want to go with anyone I didn't see myself maybe being with in the future. Plus, this is senior prom so it has to be perfect.

I get into my white jeep and start it. I pull out of the parking lot and onto the main road before anyone else so I don't have to wait for the buses and such. I start my way home when I see Ashton on the side of the road smoking a cigarette walking. He looks at me through my open window. I glance out the window and then refocus on the road putting on my aviators. I drive away and towards my massive house and sigh. I didn't really like being home, my parents were never there and my older brother just sat on his ass playing video games half the time.

I park my car and go inside. I go straight up to my room and change into shorts, a baggy t-shirt and throw my curled long hair into a low ponytail. I took off my jewelry and washed off my makeup. I looked in the mirror and shook my head. I hated who I was at school, I was the rich girl that every girl wanted to be and every boy wanted to fuck. I kept up that image because that's what I've been known as since middle school so I can't exactly change anyone's mind. I acted like a bitch because that's how people see me.

I know it sounds cheesy but sometimes I wish I wasn't the girl I am, I wish I was the quiet girl who sat in the back of the classroom who nobody really notices, being me is a full time job to be honest. I'm not a spoiled brat like everyone thinks I am. Atleast I don't like to think I am. I get everything handed to me on a silver platter but that doesn't mean I like it. Sure, I have it better than most people but everyone has this expectation of me to be perfect and everything and it sucks.

I walk downstairs and Ella, my dog, is sleeping on the couch. I sit down next to her and she places her head in my lap and I smile down and stroke her head. She was a brown labradoodle, I've had her forever and I love her to bits. I hear the front door open and my mom walks inside.

"You're home early," I state and my dad walks in after her.

"Hunny, we're going on a trip for two weeks so you and your brother will be alone is that alright?" My mom says and I nod slightly. They were always leaving for vacations without us. "We're leaving tonight, no parties, no boys, no drinking, smoking, nothing. Okay?"

 "Mom, I know the rules," I say and she smiles and kisses my head. They go upstairs to pack and I roll my eyes. I felt so alone when they left, even though they never paid attention to me in the first place I just wish I had one of those families who did everything together like watched football games and got matching jerseys and all that kind of stuff.

A/N: Okay so this is just a small bit of what I've written, if I get enough votes/comments I'll update but if not I dunno lol. So yeah here it is, I've been working on it for a long time soooo.

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