chapter four

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I wake up with a killer headache and I almost throw up all over my carpet but I make it to the bathroom. I go downstairs to get some medicine. I don't remember anything from last night except Shawn being a douche. Everything else is a blur. I take a hot shower, put in my contacts, get some workout pants, a t-shirt, and my shoes on and throw my wavy hair in a bun. I eat something for breakfast with a cup of coffee and I go outside for a run blasting music through my earbuds. I see Ashton on the sidewalk I'm running on and I pass him without saying a word. I turn around and he is looking at me weirdly.

When I finally get home Ashton is sitting on my front porch.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks.

"What're you doing at my house?" I ask him.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay," He says.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"Well, last night..." He says.

"What about last night?" I ask.

"All that happened with Shawn?" He says.

"How would you know that?" I ask him and cross my arms.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" He asks and I shrug.

"I guess I was right about you, Abby, you're just a careless bitch," Ashton says and walks away. I feel like I was just stabbed. What did I do to him? How does he know what happened with Shawn?

I walk inside, shower, and get dressed into normal clothes. My headache had faded but I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was watch movies all day so I just pick out a movie to watch and make some food and lie around all day doing nothing.

I walked into school and there was a group of Shawn and his friends and they all started laughing as I walked past. I just held my head high and walked to Erin and Hailey.

"Did you hear?" Erin asks.

"Hear what?" I ask.

"Shawn is telling people you guys had sex," Hailey said and I start breathing more heavily. Fucking asshole. I go to the bathroom and slide down the wall in the corner. I close my eyes. Now I am going to be known as the school slut, how wonderful. I walk out and to first period.

I was walking outside to our table for lunch when someone smacks my ass. I turn around and smack them so hard my hand hurt. It was one of Shawn's friends.

"Jesus Christ babe, calm down," he says feeling his face.

"I'm not your babe," I say and he smirks.

"So since you're doing it with everyone now, I was thinking I could get some," he says.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask.

"Well, Shawn's telling everyone you slept with him and some other guys that night," he says and I shake my head and start walking inside. I keep my head down and run straight into the one and only Ashton Irwin.

"Sorry," I mutter, tears stinging my eyes. There was nobody in the halls so I just lean against a locker and let myself cry. Ashton approaches me and I shake my head. "Go away I'm fine."

"You obviously aren't fine," he says.

"Why does it matter?" I ask, makeup running down my face.

"You really don't remember Friday night?" he says and I shake my head.

"Did I do it with those guys? like everyone is saying?" I ask quietly and his eyes are sympathetic.

"No, Shawn's being an ass," he says and walks closer to me and hugs me tightly. It was really comforting.

"I don't understand why he said that stuff," I say wiping my eyes.

"Come here, I'll get your mind off of it," he says and we walk to the band room. He sits down at the piano and I sit in a chair next to the bench. He starts playing and singing So Soon by Marianas Trench.

"I don't want to see you happier with somebody else," we sing together and he smiles at me as he continues singing. I sing occasionally and our voices go well together. I didn't think he could sing. He was in a Ramones tshirt, black jeans, black vans, and his tattoos were showing and he had his black lip ring of course. Once he finished the song we just stared at each other. I leaned in and he did to until the band room door flings open and we jump away from each other.

"Abby, what are you doing?" Hailey asks standing with Calum.

"Um nothing, I just had to get away from lunch," I say.

"With him?" she asks raising her eyebrows.

"No I just stumbled in here it was an accident. I was just leaving," I say looking at Ashton who was looking at his feet. I walk away and out the door with Calum and Hailey.

"He's bad news Abby," Hailey says.

"I know, don't worry it was nothing, really," I say and she shrugs.

"Whatever you say," she says and I walk to our table. Lunch would be over in about ten minutes. I really didn't feel like eating so I just listened to everyone's conversations. I feel someone's arms wrap around me from behind and they place kisses on my neck. I turn around to see Shawn.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask.

"C'mon babe, this is nothing compared to what we did the other night," he winks at me.

"Shawn we didn't do anything, stop telling people that," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Tell people I'm lying and I'll make your senior year hell," he says. "You're my girlfriend now."

"No I'm not, we didn't have sex and I didn't fuck any of your friends and you aren't going to scare me into dating you! You're an ass and you need to realize not every girl is interested in you just because you're attractive," I say.

"It works for you though, doesn't it? nobody actually wants to be friends with you, everyone just wants to fuck and dump you," he says and I shake my head.

"Shut up, that's not true," I say in a whisper.

"Yeah it is, you know it too," he says and everyone is watching us. Ashton is even watching.

 "You're an ass," I say, grab my bag, and walk to the parking lot and get in my jeep. I drive home with tears in my eyes but I keep them back. I don't care that I was ditching school, it was only last period. I park my car and go inside. I sit down on the couch and just stare at my hands. Ella jumps up next to me and I pet her.

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