chapter ten

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I walk into school the next morning to see a massive group of people. I push through and Ashton is being harassed by Shawn. I walk into the middle and shove Shawn away.

"Shawn fuck off!" I scream and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Why? He can defend himself," he says.

"You're being a dick, he didn't do anything to you," I say.

"He stole my girlfriend!" he exclaims.

"We were never dating! You threatened me you'd spread rumours about me if I didn't fake date you so I agreed, I was never yours!" I yell at him and he stands there speechless.

"That's not true," he says.

"Of course it's true! You made up rumours that we had sex when clearly you are the very last person on my list who I would fuck," I say and the whole crowd is silent.

"Says the one who started flirting with me and telling me to come to your party," he says.

"Says the one who tried to get in my pants after talking for one night and I was drinking. And apparently you had plans on getting me drunk this Friday just to have sex?" I say and he stands there not saying anything. "You are such an asshole and I hope you never get a girlfriend."

I storm out of the crowd and go to the bathroom. I stand there against the wall, I can't believe I just did that. I've never done anything like that before. I hear the door to the bathroom open and Hailey and Erin come inside. I give them a small smile.

"Is all that stuff true? Did Shawn really do all of that stuff?" Erin asks and I nod.

"And what about Ashton? What did Shawn mean by he stole you from him?" Erin asks and I shrug.

"It's nothing, we were in the music room and Shawn saw and he suspected the worst. It's nothing," I promise and they nod.

"It was really brave of you to do that in front of everyone," Hailey says and Erin nods in agreement.

"Thanks...can we get to class?" I ask and they nod. We all scatter to different classes. I sit down at my seat and Shawn doesn't come in, only Ashton and Mariah. Ashton looked at me and looked away before I could say anything.

After school I walk towards the band room and I hear drumming. I stop and listen for a bit and decide to walk in. Ashton looks up and stops drumming. He gets up and walks over to me.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you," he says quietly.

"It's okay." I whisper. He leans closer and presses his forehead to mine. He stares into my eyes for a while before kissing me softly. We stand there kissing for a while before he pulls away and looks down.

"So, you told Shawn we were together?" he asks and I nod, " we have to hide it anymore?"

I shake my head and he smiles at me. I smile back and he kisses me. After we pulled away I drove us home in my jeep. He came back to my house with me. We walk inside holding hands and go to the kitchen where my dad was sitting at the table with his laptop typing.

"Oh, you're back, late again I see," he says and I look down.

"I'm sorry Mr. Preston, we were just hanging out in the music room at school," he says and my dad stands.

"I think it's best if you leave, I don't want you in my house," my dad says.

"Dad stop. You're not just going to ban him from the house, that's ridiculous," I protest and he rolls his eyes.

"This is my house and I will do whatever I think is safe for you," my dad says.

"So you think Ashton is putting me in danger? That's so stupid, he has been nothing but good to me," I say.

"I don't want to get in the middle of this but I would never do anything that would put Abby in danger," he says and he squeezes my hand in reassurance.

"Tell me, what does your dad do for a living?" my dad asks taking off his glasses.

"My dad passed away years ago, my mom works at the bank and I work the car shop in town over the summer," Ashton says and my dad raises his eyebrows.

"Any siblings?" my dad asks.

"I have a little brother," he says.

"College?" my dad asks.

"I've applied to several but I don't really know if I want to go, I want to pursue in music," Ashton says and I look at him, I didn't even know that.

"What kind of music?" he asks.

"Well I play drums for a band actually, we play rock, punk," Ashton States and my dad was running out of questions.

"Drugs?" he asks and I almost stop breathing, "don't try to deny it, I smelled cigarettes when you came by the first time. I don't want you doing that around my daughter," my dad says.

"So, he has one bad habit and that's enough for you to ban me from seeing him all together? You're pathetic," I say.

"Grow up Abby and understand the word no," my dad says and I shake my head.

"Understand when I say I'm not letting you stop me from being with someone I care about," I state and my dad didn't have anything to say back. I pull Ashton upstairs to my room and shut the door behind us. I shake my head and stare at him.

"I don't want to have to sneak around all the time. I want to be able to bring you home for dinners and you can come over and we can play video games and watch movies I don't understand why my dad has to be such a dick," I start rambling but Ashton stops me by wrapping his arms around me tightly. He pulls me into his chest and I wrap my arms around his torso. He was so much taller than me.

"I'll make your dad like me," he says and I smile and hug him tighter.

"I don't think that'll happen," I say and he chuckles.

"Oh well," he shrugs and pulls away.

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