chapter two

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I wake up to my alarm blaring shitty music from the radio and I turn it off. I sit up in my bed and yawn. My parents left last night and I had already invited people over for a party. My brother was going to a friends so it would be perfect. I always had parties when my parents were gone. It was like a tradition. I throw on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a tight fitting, low cut tank top along with a grey, large cardigan. A pair of black combat boots, a black beanie, and a random long necklace. I put my hair in a messy side braid and grab my bag and head downstairs after doing my makeup.

I walk out the door and jump into my jeep and make my way to school. I turn on the radio and all there is is crap so I go without music today. I park in my usual space and climb out of my car. I walk through the double doors and into the hallways to my locker which is next to Erin's and some other boy's. I lean against mine and wait for my friends to get there. I was always a few minutes earlier than them. Once I see Erin and Hailey they both hug me and we walk through the halls.

"Love the outfit today, Abby," Hailey beams and I smile.

"Thanks, I threw it together this morning. Just wait till you see my outfit for tonight," I say and they both smile.

"Trying to impress anyone specific?" Erin says suggestively and I roll my eyes.

"Maybe," I say and wink and laugh.

"There are going to be so many hot guys there tonight though," I say and they agree. Quite a few guys looked me up and down in the hallways and I just smiled and walked away. Guys were basically falling at my feet to get into my pants but I had high standards. The first bell rings and I make my way to first period. Someone was sitting in my normal seat which was usually next to Shawn Lee, one of the hottest guys in our grade.

"Abby, new assigned seats. You'll be sitting there, in a group with Shawn, Mariah, and Ashton," He says and I roll my eyes at the last name. I walk over to the group of desks where Mariah is already sitting at her desk. I place my bag next to my seat and sit down. I take out my phone and scroll through Twitter for a bit before the bell rings and Shawn takes a seat next to me. Just as the bell rings Ashton gets into class and takes a seat right in front of me. He takes one look at me and rolls his eyes, not making eye contact.

"So, Shawn, are you coming tonight?" I ask in a flirtacious tone and he smirks.

"Of course I am, should I bring a date?" He asks and I shrug.

"I mean, I was going to ask you to be mine but if you'd rather take someone else, that's fine," I say carelessly looking at my nails.

"Sounds like we'll hang out tonight then," He says and I smirk. Like I have said before, I have every guy at the snap of my fingers. Shawn was really easy though. I glance at Ashton in the corner of my eye and he paid absolutely no attention to what was going on.

"Hey, emo kid," Shawn says and Ashton glances up.

"Fuck off," Ashton says and Mariah looks up. She didn't talk much, she just observed. I wish I was one of those girls sometimes. Shawn shrugs him off and the teacher continues droning on about stuff I could care less about.

After school I had stayed a little late to take a test for Spanish that I had missed so I was walking through the halls when nobody else was around. I walk past the band room and I hear drums. I peek in and Ashton is sitting at the drums in a muscle t-shirt playing rather intensely. There was sweat running down his forehead and he was biting his lip ring in concentration.

He looked attractive and I couldn't even deny that and he was really good. I crossed my arms and watched until he finished the song. He let the drum sticks fly and ran his fingers through his curly messy hair. He looked up and saw me and he flicked his eyebrow up.

"Nice drumming, Irwin," I say and he doesn't say anything before I walk out of the room and out towards my jeep, one of the only cars left in the lot. I pull out and drive home to get ready for my party. It began at eight and I had to set up food, drinks, and I had to get ready. When I got home I poured snacks into bowls and plates and set up cups with beer and wine coolers in coolers by the table. I set out some ice and everything needed for the party in general and headed upstairs to get dressed.

I put on a tight fitting, strapless, black dress along with some stilettoes, some bracelets, and rings. I straightened my hair and put on a bit more makeup than usual. It was about 7:30 when people began showing up. I opened the door for people and by eight the house was full of people. I had found Shawn and we were hanging out, talking. He was nowhere near smart and very uninteresting.

"You look really hot tonight," Shawn says.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself," I say and he smiles.

"So, how far have you gone with a guy?" He asks.

"I've had sex before, Shawn," I say and he smirks. He leans in and kisses me, hard. I kiss him back and we walk upstairs towards my room. I wouldn't let him fuck me but I might as well tease him. He closed the door behind him and began making out with me. I let him. He began unzipping my dress and I tried to push him off but he wouldn't stop. "Shawn, stop,"

"Why?" He says continuing to kiss me.

"Shawn, stop it," I say firmer this time and I shove him off of me.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"We don't even know each other, I'm not just going to have sex with you," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"You're one of those girls?" He says, annoyed.

"What do you mean, 'those girls'?" I ask.

"You're not going to have sex with me unless we've been dating for like three years," He says and I shake my head.

"No I just don't know you," I say and he scoffs.

"Whatever, I thought you'd be easy, like everyone's saying. You come off as a slut who will do anyone but I guess you're just a tease," He says and walks out of the room. I sit on my bed and feel tears coming on. Another couple stumbles into my room and I take my shoes off and rush downstairs. I walk outside and start walking away from my house. I should've figured he just wanted sex. That's all they ever want. I let out a sob and sit down on the grass. I let the tears fall freely. I can hardly breathe from crying so hard.


This will get better I promise it's just the beginning sucks lol

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