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How many times are you going to ask me what's wrong? How many times are you going to ask me how you can help me? Why do you want to fix me so bad? I know I'm not perfect but I didn't think someone wanted me to be perfect for everything. Guess what sweetie? No one if perfect. And no one will ever be. Not you, not me. No one. Get over yourself and all you insecurities, or keep your pride on the down-low. Why do I need to be damn near perfect when you know yourself that no one is perfect at all. I don't need to change and if you don't like the way I am you fly the fuck away and out of my life. I am who I am and I'm not going to let anyone but myself have a say in how I should live. Yes. You are entitled to your opinion, but if I don't like it, then I won't listen to you. Simple.

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