Chapter 8

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I was stiffened but I am more focused on the fact that he noticed that Robin in the picture was so sad.

Come to think of it Robin always on the dark side but now...

I am not to worried about him getting his memory back.

What I am questioning is will he be the same.
He my get his memeory back but that didn't mean how he deals with them will be the same.

I have been thinking. What is a memory? It's just basically an image. that all. The feelings your get form them are totally different to how you experience the event and who you are.

Given the way he is now why now and was before. I can't tell where this will go.

He might get his memory back but what if how he deals with it will affect the whole outcome.


At the end of the slideshow thing we all tured to Robin.

He didn't real have any reaction. He just stared there playing with Titsu.

I don't even know if he was paying attention.

"So? What have you gathered?" Dick was trying to act like how to the old Damian would act. Using bigger words and stuff like that.

Robin just looked and opened his mouth.

"Um... well... the previous me is and outsider. He's always going off and everything has to be Good with him before Any action is taken. Also he can get so fixated on things to the point that it killed him. And that is the reason he... I died right? Am I correct?"

Everyone looked at each other. It wasn't totally correct but wasn't totally wrong.

This made my blood boil form the lest comment.

I am starting to think this is pointless.

"No your not correct!" I screamed shooting up.

He turned to me like some kinda hurt puppy.

"What?" He said as his voice cracked.

"You don't even know him. And your supposed to be him! He is You! But all you see is be bad! Your nothing like him!"

"I have one question!" He scowled. I stoped to see what else he had to say.

"He didn't hound like a good person. Why would you bring him... me back?"

I turned and stormed off.

Now I guess I am realizing that bringing him back was a mistake. Seeing him now the way his is just makes me miss the real Damian.

He is hardly  Damian. The way he just says Damian is a bad person when he doesn't even know him.

It brings back too many memories that I don't want to see right now.

Damian who is gone and he's never coming back.


I don't know what I did wrong. I am so confused.

First they say that that boy in the picture is me. Like I am supposed to remember stuff. Then they tell me to say what I think of the boy that is me in the pictures.

But when I do I some how make a raven cry. The feelings I got. That I was cause of them.

I got a sudden pain in my chest.

The giant girl with flame red hair just told me, "just give her time." And left down the same all.

After that everyone just seemed to do their own thing.

So I just took a look around the place. I guess I am living her now.


"Hey!" Gar flagged me down while I was on my way to kitchen to grab a drink.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I just have a question."

"Fine. What is it?"

"Dose the alphabet have 21 letters?"

I gave him an Are you serious look. I guess he is as dumb as he looks. "There is 26."

"Funny..." he smiled. "Guessed I must have missed. U, R, A, Q, T." He laughed.

I corny help but give off a little chuckle.

"Where did you get that?" I asked. It's obvious he got that off line form some where.

"Well I have been reading how to win the girl of you dreams and step one. Make your self known. Check. Step two, flatter her. So I thought why no pick up lines!"

I turned And left to get my drink.

"Wait I have more!" He chased after me. "Did I hurt?" He called down the hall.

I didn't answer.

"When you fell out of heaven!"


I went the roof. Only Damian knows I like to come up here to watch the sunsets. But he's...

I had my spell book with me trying to find a spell to undo what I have done.

But there was nothing. I closed the book looking up at the moon.

It's been that long.

I sat there and looked up at the crescent moon.

Closing my eyes I took in the view.

Being alone was nice. No one to bother me and nice a quiet.

I opened my eyes and reached one hand out to He moon. As if I was bragging it.

"Your just like me." I whispered. The feeling that I could say anything right now and just be free about my emotions. "Two sided. Half light and half dark."

I let that sink in. Then I sprung up. "WHAT AM I THINK!"


Raven's clam and cafe free mood hanged to a more serious tone.

I'm not like I? She thought.

Flashes of her going full demons mode played threw her mind.

She placed her hands over her eyes. She could feel the urge to hurt others come upon her.

Manifesting in the deepest darkest parts of her soul.

The death of someone close to you is something you will never forget. There are two paths you can take.

A light path or a dark one.

"I need to be strong." She siad To herself gritting her teeth. "But how can I be strong if I feel so week?"

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