Chapter 21

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This girl is good. Really good. Better then me obviously. I was losing by more than a mile.

She fought with a small blade and moved fast. But one thing for sure was that she was predictable.

Every move was calculated but always in a pattern.

Fake out slash to make an opening and attack for real.

She had gotten me good in the leg and I was down.

She stood over me angling her blade down at me.

She didn't move she just stood their and stared at me.

Thought her mask her eyes where blue. Soft and cold at the same time that sent a shiver down my spine.

I realized then that she was sparing my life. She wasn't like the others. Heck the first time I meet Damian he tried to kill me.

This girl was different. I don't know how to describe her any mother way.

Suddenly around the corner the rest of the team came.

According to Robin, job well done we stalled them.

I turned to see robin up against the wall holding his arm. In the same hand he had the Ape's mask. In front of him was the ape out cold on the ground.

Put her hand out and a dark shadow Burst out. It went into the ape's body. It penetrated the body and nothing happened.

Seeing this the Rabbit jolted and was gone.

"He's clean." She said.

"What was that for?" Jamie asked.

Raven turned to him grimly. "Trigon was here."

"What?" Starfire asked astonished.

"How?" Robin asked.

Raven rushes to heal us. "I don't know." She replied. "My magic didn't work. The Ape's caller shouldn't or rather couldn't restrain mag-......" she passed out."

"Odd." Jamie sais.

Damian fought her in his arms. Well arm.

"You the one to talk." He snapped.

"Excuse me?" Jamie cocked his head.

"What happened to you? You shut down. It was very inconvenient. We could have used you."

"Well I am sorry if my Alain bug attached to My back that I can't control didn't like the high tech caller that sent tiny probes into my neck."

There was an agressive clicking. "Sorry." Jamie sais over his shoulder.

"Boys!" Starfire broke in.

It was quiet the For the rest of the time. I could sense in the air a lot has happened in the past couple hours.

On the way out Titus was still on the ground. Strange he wasn't moving. I checked his pulse and his heart was bragging. I grabbed him and we all left.

"If trigon is back we have to be ready." I said. "As soon as everyone is fully recovered we can start training."


I woke up to see Damian by my side. "How long have I been out?" I asked.

I tried to sit up but fell back down. My power are complained drained.

"4 days." Damian replied." He handed me a glass of water.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"All training." He glanced to the side.

I did the same. I didn't know what to say. But Damon was the one who spoke first.

"What happens to you?" He asked.

I don't understand why he would ask that? He is the one with all the answers.

"What are you worried about me?" I smirked.

His face went red. "Yes." He muttered. "I care for everyone on this team."

My eyes went wide for the first part before he added the second. "Well Trigon is still in trapped in the crystal but I think going to get you and Starfire did something to the Barrier between the underworld and the living world."

"That didn't explain why you passed out only after like 6 spells."

"Since trigon is physically not here he is drawing power form me. The spells he used to take over the Ape's body was my magic."

I could see Damian's clench his jaw. I went to put my hand on his.

"I am fine. Really." I smiled at him.

Our eyes meet and I don't know if it was the lack of magic or the fact that I was just out for 4 days but it looked like he was moving closer.

Suddenly Gar bust in. "Hey! Your awake!" He ran to give me a hug and pulled out his phone. He took a picture that said, 'guess who is up?'

The rest of the team came in all beaten up.

"What did you all do to yourself?" I asked shocked.

"Well training is not going so well." Jamie rubbed the back of his neck.

"We suck." Terra added.

Starfire raised a finger. "The best way to improve it to find your weaknesses and build upon that."

"Most of these bruises are from robin." Gar stuck his tough out at Damian.

"It's not my fault that you all lack the skill, " he paused and looked to Gar. "Or maturity to face me without using your powers."

"Dude our powers are our weapons we need them."

Damian raised an eyebrow. "And when your powers where taken most of you where just sitting ducks."

"Robin! That's enough!" Dick yelled. "This is a team! You have to fix your attitude towards us. We are your friends not soldiers."

"Guys just stop arguing or I am not going to heal you." That shut them up.

In the end it was a creepy laugh that was like ok but no at the same no.

They didn't make up. And I know in this 'family', Starfire'a words not mine. We are probably going to have to talk it out, work it out, and hug it out.

She watches way to much fuller house if you ask me. I don't get what she sees in that show.

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