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I don't know what it is....this feeling. But I know I don't like it's I knew I messed up from the moment I moved. But this could work in my favour. It has to.

On the path Starfire is In now she will fly straight into the tiger and that took care of that. The Starbolt however calculating should not hit Raven initially i have time.

It's current path will skim her leg passing right by to the column behind her. That's where the problem lies.

I rushed to her. As the bolt got closer mommy heartbeat quickened. It heated in my throat and ears.

It Turns out my calculation was wrong. It didn't hurt her at all. But the other part was accurate enough.

I was only feet away now when the collums started to fall.

I was racing against gravity and every known law of Physics.

I got in hand on her and transferred my eberty to her. The momentum pushing her out of the way.

As the dust cleared I realized what position I was in. I was on top of raven. She was just staring up at me blankly.

I don't know what but I took this opportunity and cut the collar.

The second I did she wrapped her arms around and hugged me.

My body moved on its one and I could fell my hand reach behind her pulling her closer to me.

My body got hot as her soft check rubbed against mine.

She was the one to pull away and we just started at each other.

Suddenly Terra's voice broke in. "Get a room latter we still have a battle to win."

I got up and extended a hand down to help raven up.

Looking out at what happened we where still surrounded my the other asassins. The rabbit was no where to be seen along with the Ape. The tiger was helping up starfire, Dick was rubbing his shoulder. Jamie was still just stand still and terra was next to what I think is Gar.

We where our numbered but that doesn't mean we can't win.

"Get me to the roof!" I called out.

"Terra and raven take the guards. Go for the masks. Starfire you fly me and Nightwimg up to the roof. Then help Jamie and Gar."


That was stupid of me. I don't know what I was thinking. I don't think I was thinking at all. At first the thought of Trigon and what he had said about something way back in the underworld.

This all too famialur fear set in and the rocks limboing towards me seemed like snowflakes. They where nothing.

Then Damian pushed me out of the way. Nothing special he just moved me out of the way of some falling rocks.

I have been involved in more dangerous things than that. Heck this gem stone on my head Is an example of that. But so some unknown reason I just hugged him.

Just something about him. His presence just made me feel... I don't know how to describe it but my feet just drifted away.

I shook my head and got a questionable look for Terra but I can't think of things now. I still have to fight.

For a league of "deadly" assassins these people weren't much. In one spell I had more that half knocked out or down.

Terra had done her part and I turned to see Damian and Dick disappear over the roof.


I grabbed a sward off the ground form one of the nocked out assassins and head up with robin.

Damian ways has a plan but this was his best yet. Thinking more than one sept ahead. He was thinking ten.

"Drop us off here." He demanded in a tone that seemed lighter that his usual.

Starfire dropped us and in the distance I fought a glimpse the ape.

"Over here." Damian called. He was pulling a vent out and ducking into it. I followed.

"So like what's the plan here?" I asked. Seeing how this may be my only time before we start fighting again.

"No plan. He expects that. We need to be in predictable. Plan is to stall till the others come."

This surprised me. For once Damian was thinking for the team not just himself.

Looking down I could hear voice through the vent.

Robin stopped and I ran right into him. The thin vent broke and we fell.

Hitting the ground I landed right on top of Robin. Servis him right for letting Terra's boulder hit me.

He gives me off him. And when we looked up we where face to face with the rabbit and Ape.

Robin drew his sward and poised for combat.

Me well let's just say I was poised for battle as well just minois a weapon.

"Ah. You found Rash's sward. How fitting." He laughed.

The girl in the rabbit mask punched at me and i could see matched up against one of the best of the assassins I was lacking a bit.


"Your unfit to wild a gods weapon." The Ape took a defensive stance.

He was waiting for me to make the first move. Heck no am I am going to let him late the defensive. That's way to easy for him.

"Rash was no god." I replied. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Dick. He was boisât with the rabbit.

Seemed logical enough he's not much.

"Rash is more powerful and willing to do what's necessary to survive. Selling his soul to a demon was a little to far but..." he paused.

Glancing to the side I could see he was distracted. Off in another world.

I took the opening and lashed my sward at him.

He grabbed it with the hand that was missing a finger.

His eyes where wrong. There was nothing normal about him now.

In a demonic voice he spoke. "I got to admit it feels good."

I went wide eyed. He soled his soul to trigon?

My muscles froze and when I tired to pull my sward free I licked the strength.

He pulled me closed and I wrapped myself around his arm and hooked him down toy eh ground.

With my boot in his face and his face on the ground it was my turn to speak. Get some answer and figure out some things.

"Why would you do this?" I demanded.

His head spun all the way around to face me. "Power of course. Something you lack."

He grabbed my leg and took me down. Holding me up with one hand he brought me close.

I reached out and grabbed his mask. Staring at him he was my old friend. But he left to join Slade long ago.

I glared and he smirked. "Little brat. Die!" He threw me to the wall.

I heard something crack and I couldn't move my arm.

This is not going well. Turning to Dick he was getting beat too.

The ape came closer. Red flames started emanate form him similar to raves purple ones. 

We where face to face and the flames where hot against my skin.

Suddenly he stopped. The flames ceased to exist and he let out a loud scream.

It wasn't just an ordinary scream in a sense a mix of pain and something else. There was a crack that gave of a senses of sadness. 

He fell to the ground mumbling something.

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