Trannimg (part 3)

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It dawned on me that our "team" hasn't really Ben working as a team more divide and conquer strategy.

Each of us is adequate on our own. Not good enough To be with the adults. But together we where able to take down Superman. One of the strongest beings in the world.

If we where able to do that without raven then just imagine our combined power together.

"What do you mean you don't know that spell?"  I asked.

Raven responded, "I am the daughter of death and suffering I don't know life spells."

I let it a sigh. I really am just working with children.

"I have assumants for all of you. ." I turned to Jamie and Gar.

"Jamie your Alien bug thing can construct any weapon right?"

"Most." He replied.

"Good met making random objects."

"Garfield try to master control of that beast thing you keep turning into."

Then I turned to Terra. "Terra you try to make as much rock people as you can in one go."

"And what will you be doing?" Garfield asked.

"Doing what i do best, plan."


I have to admit that last line was killer. Doing what he dose best. Planning. I see it. Ha.

Latter that day I stood in the doorway where Damian was panning.

"What do you want?" He growled.

"I notice you didn't give me a task to work on."

"Grayson I don't have time for your jokes.Train your daughter with Starfire. She'll need the skills necessary to fight in battle that's all. After that just stay out of my way."

"Damian you are forgetting something."

"What." He looked up glaring at me.

"I am the one in charge here. I am the adult. I am the leader."

"There is no I in team." He smirked.

I greeted my teeth. "You know what I mean. You where sent here to learn to work as a team with a team not take control."

"It's simple natural selection Grayson. I have the superior skills to lead this group... use their powers to the full potential."

"That's your problem. Robin. You don't use people. This isn't some game that you just move pieces and part to fit perfectly to make some weapon to win. This is life. There has to be order."

"There is order." He snapped. "Before I got here no one took the Teen Titans seriously. Now where where able to defeat one opponent that the even the justice league couldn't handle. Thanks to me this team is no longer a Horse with it's head cut off."

"I had lead this team long before you have. And I will continue to do that. Bruce left you under my care and that's going to remain the same."

"You know know what to lead these people."

"Yes I do I know hem better than you ever will. You know why?"

"Why?" He crosses his arms.

"Because I didn't see them as some weapon or power source."

"I know them. Gar his slightly below average hight and hasn't aged in a long time. Jamie is just some guy who just so happened to be "chosen" by some alien bug. Terra, we all know terras back story. And... Raven... well.. she is the daughter of trigon who clearly has some issues. But her power and potential haven't even been tapped into yet." He gave off a little chuckle, "you know great she will be in battle? In a fight she could do so much damage."

"No no no. You don't get it."

A slight grin went across is face. It was repulsive how he thought of everyone. If this is who he really sees people... as weapons it's sad.

"Enlighten me." He sneered.

"You don't get it I see than as my fiends, my family. I see them. Not form what you read on a monitor but what you feel by emotions. Likes and dislikes. I wonder if you even noticed Raven's..."

Suddenly his whole expression changed. His eyes weren't on me. I turned behind me to see The edge of Raven's cape in the door."


I had found a spell that could do what Damian wanted. Sorta. I was going to show it to him when I heard him and Dick arguing. 

I decided to just wait outside till they where done. But their voices where do loud and the walls where so thin. I heard every single word.

Is dick right? Is this how Robin really sees me? Just a power source. A powerful weapon to use in battle.

I- i- thought I ment more to him than just that. I thought we where more.

When I put it together in my mind it seems that way. That our... was just one sided.

I say love now Because after I brought him back I realized that I did have those... feelings... for him.

When ever I was around him his conference and collectiveness just radiated. It made me feel like with him by my side I could do anything.

When I slept next to him my head wouldn't stop pounding in my head. All logical thought was out the window and I just wanted to stay right there for ever.

Obviously my... those feelings aren't reciprocated.

But one ting didn't add up. The kiss. With his memory gone he was a whole new person. He didn't know who I was or anyone else. Yet he kissed me. Not some other person... me.

He was asking about love and trying to sort out feeling inside. But how would he even know what a kiss is or what It meant.

Is is just by natural instinct humans know how to kiss. I guess the major point to all existence go to survive and pass on tested (aka spawn)

He... probably didn't know the weight it holds with others or with me.

But... I still..

I think Juliet said it best. "A rose by any other name will still smell as sweet." And a kiss by any other name or action will still hold the same weight with me.

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