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This is a sneak peak at the next book so... 😜 hope you like.

A heart is a survivor. You take it for granted and don't even know it. It puts up with the abuse, as it conforms to the mind. Beaten red by the lies and tormented with the truth. Even when it's been crushed, stabbed, and broken it still works. Withered roses line the path, exposing the bitter thorns of life. "Everyone started out a little insane, but we learn pretty quik how to fake it for the game."The cold hand of sadness grasps you tightly, and won't let go its' monstrous grip. The pure white of the dove stained black, With the marked of the past. You just want to fly away from it all. Only through experiences may you learn, The way to survive in this crazy world. You are a survivor. It's all on you to face your past with strength, your present with bravery, and your future with hope. So just remember this: "if you can't find peace within yourself you can never find it anywhere else." ~~ Raven

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