The plan (part 2)

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"Hero's are nothing more than privileged beings who think they can play god and put themselves above." The ape turned his back to the team then continued.

"Rash was a poor leader he didn't know anything of how to rule. He played by his own rules and had little to no structure. He only cared about himself and grinning that little brat to be his replacent."

Then he swooshed around. "Look where that got him. He's dead! Ha! His so called air ran off to join this curious. A boy who can transform Into any animals, a girl who can control earth, and space person, a daughter of a demon, and just a normal average human who's only power was granted to him by a bug that attaches itself to him."

"So what?" Beast boy snapped.

"So what you ask?" The Ape scratched his head. "So what? Let's analyse this further." He bent down and was now mask to face with Gar.

"Most of you live in a privileged world in a privileged society. Running around and having fun without a care in the world except for trivia things such as how many followers you and and keeping up with the latest trends."

Terra opened her mouth ready to rebut the argument but he stopped her before any words escaped her lips.

"And you. You have the power to move earth it's self. You could have done great things to change the world. Giving your background with Slade you have strayed form the path he sent you. They extended a hand only to chain you to them and you fell for it. Just look at you know."

"The only chance you had at beating me was that little spoiled kid. But I guess the little buddy flew too close to the flames and got Burt."

"Bring the it now." He commanded the tiger. The tiger reached in a box and pulled out six silver collars.


Who dose this bastard think he is. His big bad guy speech keeps dragging on forever.

Like we get the point.

Then the tiger pulled out the collars. The first look I got at those and I recognised them form somewhere.

They looked the same as the one that was on Damian before when his clone guy was controlling him.

But if the clone guy and this guy has them the question is who is supplying them?


I don't get it. This plan Robin has it lacks a lot of information. He said to meet in the court yard. 

I tried repeating what he said to me in the room. My part in this plan. Then guessing what the others parts where and putting them all together.

But I got nothing.

Next think I know the collar was on me. The cool metal sent a shiver thought my body.

That's when it hit me. He thinks Robin is dead. He using this to his advantage.

"It's funny you know." That little shrimp was probably the best fighter you guys had. The strongest knight if you will, maybe even a rook. But me I am king. All my pieces follow my will and now I have the titans on my side. Just pawns I guess. Nothing more." He waved his hand. "Release them." He commanded and guards removed the restraints.

He walked along the line of us and stopped when he got to raven.

It was creepy.


Personality I think of raven as a daughter. And this guy the manual people call an Ape was way to close to raven. He was starting at something.

I don't like it all. But when I tried dark make a plasma bolt... nothing. I count form anything.

I tried using my strength but still nothing. The restraints where off but I still feel like my powers are draining.


Honestly this is going much better than I thought it would go. I mean Gar and Terra already took out the crane guy. This ape guys didn't seem like Much of a fighter.

But the way he stopped on me. Staring. It gave me the shivers.

I was about to do a spell but I had no more magic left. It was all drained.

"May what a lovely jem Stone you have." The Ape cocked his head. "I wonder what would happen if I removed it."

He reached out to touch it and I tried to move away but my body didn't respond. I stayed thier motionless.

Out of nowhere a flash of black swiped the ape's hand.

There was only a short, sharp yelp. When things slowed down Titus was on the ground with blood all over his muzzle.

But I am not sure it was his blood Because as I looked back to the ape he was still in the same position he was in, only this time he index finger was gone.

The blood Oozed to the ground right in front of me. I almost threw up...Almost.

Honestly I have seen way worse.

"Well would you look at that." He glanced at his finger.

Titus tried to make another attack but the Girl with the mask Rabbit moved to fast and cut him off. She carried titus to the side.

He leaned back, arms stretched out wide. "I have done it! The teen titans have fallen. Now, now, what shall I do with my new toys?"

"Your crazy!" Gar yelled.

"Your norhikf comapred to Slade." Dick chimed in.

Next was Teara, "Yes nothing but a coward who can't fight his own battles. A coward that has to hide behind a silver collar." 

I don't get it. Why would they do this. We are clearly on the losing end.

No! There stalling.

So I decided to add in some comments myself "A man who can't control his own people and can't earn their loyalty correctly. Your no leader or some god. Your lower then scum to have to do something like this. Robin will be more of a leader than you ever will."

He sat there zoning out. He shoot his head and blinked. "What? Oh your done. Robin is dead. His clone made sure of that. Well let's see..." he pressed a Bottom on his watch.

I felt a slight singling in the back of my neck.

"What is this?" Dick questioned, narrowing his eyes.

"It's quite simple. I am going to hack your memory's so to say." He motioned and one of the many guards brought forth a dark screen.

"I wonder how much a vilain would pay to get top knowledge about the justice league and teen titans."

He let out a sigh. "I wish I could have picked at that one kids brains a little more. I believe you called him Robin? Right? To bad he was an exelaint test subject."

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