White rabbit (part 2)

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When I woke up it was like a dream a dream I didn't remember. Everything was black but warm.

Gar was leaning over me. "Are you ok?" He asked.


We both looked at each other. Usually when something like this happens it has to do with Raven. So we bolted off inside.


I put my hand on the counter to lift myself up. I glanced down at my stomach that growled back at me.

I am sure whatever just happen can wait two seconds for me to finish my sandwich.

As I reached for it all I grasped was air. The sandwich was completely gone. All that remained was some crumbs.

I shot up nocking over tons of pots and pans as I remember what I was doing before everything went sideways.

Something was in here. I was hot on the trial then...

Suddenly the whole team came running in.


"What happed here." Demanded Damian.

"Why are the pots and pans everywhere?" Dick asked

I held in a laugh but it was pretty obvious.

"What is it." Damian glared.

Even raven gave them an amused look.

"You guys have something on your face." Nightstar let our a hearty laugh.

Dick picked up a pan and gazed into it. Thick black lines where painted under his nose. Another line was in the divot of his chin.

"Who painted a mustache on me?"

Dick was both surprised and amused but a little angry too.

Damian scoffed.

"I always knew you would look bad with a beard and this just proves it." Damian laughed.

"It's better than being a little pussy cat." Dick smirked.

Damian snatches the pan and saw six streaks on his face, three on each side and a giant black dot on his noise.

Gar ans Jamie proceeded to make cat noises at robin making fun of him.

Eventually the rest of the team joined in.


I know it's a bit mean but when are ever going to get the chance to see Damian in face paint.

It's adorable.


This must be so hamiliating for Robin. The big bad robin is not just a little pussy cat!

Maybe raven should have gotten him a cat instead. Hahahah!


This was funny. But in the back of my mind I knew for sure someone was here. It couldn't have been Gar he was outside with Terra.

And if raven passed out and I passed out that means most everyone was definitely out.


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