A deal with the devil

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"Let's see who's under the mask." Nightstar reached out.

"Wait let me get this on camera! My fans would love this." Gar fumbles for his phone.

"You have got to be kidding me." Damian sighed and then reach for the mask.

"We has got to stop meeting like this." The woman smirked.

I feel like I have seen this person before. She had black short hair with some scars peaking out form under her cloths. Her overall mood was clam and relaxed. She didn't seemed threaten by us.

"What up shrimp." She said with a smirk.

" Cassondra!" Dick let out.

Cassondra went on about Robin. "I heard you where dead. Then i didn't believe it when Bruce said you where back but without memory and some crap like that."

She kept on drowning on and on. I was ready to go back and order a pizza or something.

She continued, "like bro! You just died and come back. You guys should be happy that your girlfriend is a demon."

Robin's face went red.

"I mean... she can bring anyone back form the dead. You don't have to sorry about death anymore... well except when..."

"Cassondra!" Robin cut her off.


Dick helped her up but kept a firm hand on her arm, "Let's start with the questions shall we?"

Beast boy

I don't know why Dick had his hand in Cassondra the whole time. I don't personally know her but is she really that bad.

It looks like she is on our side. She is going to give us info on the creepy guys with the mask and stuff.

I pulled my phone out and snapped a quick pick. It would have been nice to get a video of the unmasking but I'll take what I can get.

"Dude really?" Jamie gave me a look.

"It's for the fans. I haven't been that active lately."

Dick slammed Casandra into a chair and used zipties her to the chair. This was cold even for dick.

"Let's start shall we?" Damian crosses his arms. "Why are you parading around in a Rabbit mask?"

"Well Your daddy sent me to check this place out. He had a hunch about the whole game thing going on to replace you so I just You know knocked out a few people and was able to get into the top to hear their plan."

Then Raven asked a question and it was what was on all our minds or somewhat close to it.

"Where did all the people go? That just mysteriously vanished? How was my father involved?"

Casandra thought for a moment then spoke. "I guess it all started with the ape guy. He was stuck in the past and wanted to bring back the great 'regime' that ounce was. Form what I gathered he planed Robin's death and all with death stroke and the collars so that the game, if you will, to chose the next leader of the assassins would go into monition." She let out a little chuckle. "But as the heads feel to the ape  like Talia, Rash, and Damian. No one would stop the Ape so they most of them left and formed smaller well hidden organisations."

I almost fell back. "So this... from the very beginning... was all planed?"

"Yeah." Casandra glanced and Dick. "That it?"

"Wait So Trigon?" Raven persisted. "How did he get mixed in with this?"

Cassandra let out a along and  heavy sigh, "that part is sketchy. He made a deal with trigon. That if he would give him an army the ape would give him the world. Pfft. But that didn't really happen." She laughed.

"This is not funny." Raven was starting to get mad. She put her hand to her gem.

We all turned to her.

"Age you ok?" Starfire asked

"My gem. It's burning." She replied.


On instinct I acted. I drove the handle of my blade into raven's chest. Taking her out.

"What was that for!" Dick exclaimed.

"Trigon can't use her power if she is knocked out." I replied coldly.

Honestly Dick is smart enough. He should have figured it out by now.

I held Raven in my arms and looked done at her gem. Then reached down for it

"What are you doing!" Gar seemed to be afraid or something.

"Do you know what your doing!" Jamie grabbed my arm.

"We need to talk about this." Dick came rushing at me.

They all did. They all where coming st me in a circle formation closing in.

I jerked free. "I am getting him louse of this power supply." Then I placed two fingers on the gem and removed it.

Everyone took a good step back expecting some big explosion. Even I closed my eyes expecting something.


The first shock wave threw us back. I put up a wall but it was blown down like it was just paper.

This surge of energy was not like anything I have seen before.

Is this the power of a demon?

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