Chapter 21

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I was shivering. The cave was freezing. I felt like a cube of ice. I knew I had to find food and water. So I put a hood over my head and went searching.
I heard chattering then I saw someone. I ran
"Wait love. Lilly come back" they said.
But I ignored them and ran of.
I found a tree with some fruit on so I climbed up the tree. And grabbed the fruit. The flesh was soft and purple. A lot like a plum but it wasn't a plum. I took a great big bite. Inside was sweet and juciey like an apple but then it turned sour. I loved it.
I jumped down the tree and went on the search for some fresh water.
When I got to the lake someone was there it wasn't Felix or any of the lost boys. He turned around.
"Hello dearie." He said "my name is Rumplestiltskin and well."
"I recognise you." Interrupted then i took a few steps back oh no i I said "I know you what do you want?
"Well its good to see my reputation proceeds me." He said in a boastful way. With a smirk he carried on." Well do I have some information for you." Lilly stared at him blankly.
"But it will cost you dearie."
"How do I know that the information you will tell me is wroth it?" I asked.
"Well you don't. However it might help you get of this island."
"What's your price." She asked worriedly.
"Ha. Ha. Ha.." He giggled the way he does before a deal is made.
"I was hoping you would say that. Dearie."
He walked up tone and stroked his claw like fingers through her hair." Just a piece of this lovely stuff."
Lilly stared at him blankly." A piece of my hair? Why?"
I asked.
"Well you are the child of the product of true love and that is very rare indeed. However let's just say I can make a powerful with the stuff."
I paused for a moment and started to think about it.
"Hurry up dearie I don't have all day."said Rumple
"Deal." I said
I pinched my hair and then pulled out a strand.
Then reluctantly I  handed it to him
Then he pulled his hand from his pocket and then appeared a book he handed it to me he then  said "It was a pleasure doing business then disappeared into thin air.
I looked down at the book. It read once upon a time then in small writing parts one and two. I was sure I had seen this book before.

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