Chapter 1

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Cry finds you sitting on a bench in the local park. You sniffle and smile when he sits down and wraps his arm around you," How'd you know I was here?" You ask.  He chuckles," I've known you too long." You smile. People walk past you, staring. You look at Cry, who's wearing a tux and his mask. Then, you look at yourself. Your mascara is runny, and your dress is muddy. You sigh and lean into Cry. It reminds you of when you and Cry were a couple. It reminds you of how this whole thing happened. That's a story worth telling. 


4 Years Ago

You are 19 years old, and you have just moved to Florida, and are now a resident of St. Petersburg. You've decided to go grab some groceries. You drive to the local supermarket, and grab a shopping cart. You walk up and down the aisles, and dump groceries into the cart. You turn the corner to head towards the checkout, when another cart bumps into yours. You see a young man, probably close to your age, standing in front of you. He's wearing a white mask, with a bored looking face drawn on it. You apologize for bumping into him, and he says it was his fault. You are soon in an argument with the man about who's fault it was. Anyway, he says he has to go, but would love to see you again. You hand him your number, and he gives you his. He starts to walk off, but you stop him. "What's your name?" You ask. He turns around," Cry," and then he walks away.

AN: Sorry if there's any messed up facts. It's hard to write about Cry when so little is known about him. 

Brofist and Cryfive ;) - R

Torn Between Two Youtubers (Reader x Pewdiepie & Reader x Cry)Where stories live. Discover now