43. Plot Twist in Novel Causes Gasps, Sleepless Nights

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The muscle at the edge of Sterling's jaw tightened. "Captain. Of. What?" She said, dropping each word as if loading bullets into a revolver. Andie had to remember to get herself and Rachel out of firing range when Sterling hit the "trigger."

"I know you're not that stupid. Of The Colony. I even had business cards made up in my name. You know I'm prettier and younger than you. I was born to replace you. So bye-bye. It wasn't nice working with you. The best part of all this is I don't have to worry about burning bridges since I'll be burning you."

Though Rachel wasn't the "I told you so" type, the word "karma" hung unspoken in the air.

Andie's gut twisted like a wrung-out Gripple. No one was going to burn her best friend, even if the said friend was nosy and stubborn and impossible. Andie concentrated on her hands. Light up, stupid fingers. Light up. Let me zap! Her fingertips responded with abject stillness.

In the meantime, Sterling's face had turned an angry glowy red—like the Terminator's eyes. "You overestimate yourself, Gaines."

Gigi giggled. "I outsmarted you, oh queen."

"Are you sure?"


Maybe Gigi wasn't so confident. Which was an understandable and often healthy response when opposing Sterling. Andie quirked a brow and leaned close to Sterling's ear. "Is there a plan?" Andie whispered.

Sterling smirked.

For a whole two seconds, Andie felt relief coursing through her veins, as soothing as melted chocolate. Sterling had a plan! But moments passed, the din of the approaching throng (thanks to Star Force One having obliterated the window) reaching cataclysmic proportions. And still Sterling did nothing.

The bat ray ship now had thousands of tentacle-quivering drones surrounding her. Andie's skull throbbed as the army charged toward the shoe mall-like Black Friday shoppers in pursuit of twenty-dollar Manolos. Every muscle in Andie's body clenched, and she failed to remember the importance of breathing. The building quaked and rumbled.

"Sterling, they're going to smash into us!" Andie said, having given up on the whole "holding her breath" idea (hey, it's impossible to keep it up forever). She hyperventilated.

"Calm down," Sterling demanded, pummeling the door (not calmly). "Ouch! I broke a nail! You will pay for this!"

"I like her priorities," Bad Andie said. Andie didn't bother asking if it was sarcasm or not.

"Stewling bwoke a nail," Gigi taunted like a middle school brat. "Because you won't be getting your mani-pedi now." Gigi's voice seemed to rise in confidence as the army bore down on the office. She must've been watching all the action on her flat screen. Easy to be confident when you've got a solid steel door between you and your enemies. With the added benefit of having a thousand armed drones heading their way.

"Ster, you said you controlled the drones?" Andie said.

"Maybe they'll see me, realize who I am, and bend to my will." She faced the window and waved her hands over her head. A slash of laser fire from the lead drone sliced across the room, narrowly missing Sterling's jacket. It took out a ficus. The air filled with smoke. "Or not," she coughed. "I liked that plant. Now would be a good time for you to bring out your secret alien blue zappy killer lightning thing."

"I'm trying, but ... can't control it ..." The staccato pew pew pew of dozens of jellyfish drones firing trilled through the room. "Get down!" Andie said, pulling Sterling and Rachel behind the sofa furthest from the window.

"Oh, the sweet sound of a traitor army," Gigi cackled over the loudspeaker.

"Gigi, you mutinous bitch. You have ten seconds to open the door or suffer the consequences."

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