Chapter 3: Friends?

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  I decided to add this stupid video because I thought it was so out of place from all of the other Sculder videos I've seen. This some is so upbeat compared to the other songs in the videos. I hope you guys like this chapter! I'm happy that you guys are reading this. I knew there were some Sculder shippers out there somewhere. I don't know how often I'll be able to update this weekend. I have back-to-back Nordic ski races for the whole weekend, but I'll do what I can when I can. Enjoy the chapter!

Mulder's POV

  Physics seemed to last forever. The only thing I could think about was how I hurt Scully. I've known her for only a couple hours, and I've already screwed up what could've been a perfectly good friendship. God, I'm such an idiot! I thought to myself, mentally slapping myself in the back of the head. I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of my teacher's voice calling my name. "Mr. Mulder!" I heard my teacher say in a stern voice.

  "Yes?" I asked sitting up adjusting my glasses.

"Do you know why boomerangs come back? You should all know the answer to this question. This should be a review, considering that the majority of you learned this during sophomore year." The teacher said giving me a small glare.

The class went silent, awaiting my answer. I had completely forgotten everything I knew about physics. I knew the answer, but for some reason I couldn't form words. When I opened my mouth to give an answer, the teacher had already moved on. "I want you all to read chapters four five and answer the questions at the end of each chapter." The teacher said.

Just as he finished his sentence, the bell rang. Everyone quickly gathered up their things and walked out of the door. I grabbed my things and walked into the hallway. I walked down the hall. As I passed by people, I noticed that they were giving me weird looks. It's not like I hadn't seen people give me weird looks. I survived most of high school with the same people, so why was this year any different?

I shrugged it off and walked to the boy's locker room into change for Conditioning. I changed as quickly as possible. I took off my glasses and put them safely in my locker. I walked out of the locker room and into the gym. I saw groups of people talking to each other. They were all spread out throughout the gym.

I started walking around looking for Scully, but I didn't see her. Before I realized what had happened, I ran into someone and fell onto the ground with a thud. As I got up I heard a familiar voice. "Watch where you going, jerk!"

I looked up and realized I had ran into Scully. When she looked up she sighed and rolled her icy blue eyes. "Oh, it's you." Scully said. She turned on her heels and started walking away.

"Scully wait!" I said jogging after her.

She still didn't turn around. When I caught up to her, I grabbed her hand and forced her to look at me. "What do you want Mulder?" Scully asked letting out a long sigh.

"I want a chance to explain myself." I said in a more desperate tone than I intended.

"I think you've explained all you needed to." Scully shot back. "And let go of my hand."

Scully pulled her hand out of mine. "Scully, please. You don't have to talk. Just listen, please?"

Scully looked up at the clock on the wall. "Fine. You got two minutes." Scully said crossing her arms.

"I didn't mean what I said." I began. "I mean, did mean what I said, but it just came out the wrong way."

Scully let a small sigh escape her lips. "I made a false judgment about you, and I shouldn't have done that without getting to know you fully first. We all do it though. We're human. We can't help but make judgments about people. In a way, it's instinct. I can't promise you anything, but i can tell you that I would never hurt you. Physically, mentally of emotionally. You have my word."

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