Chapter 5: Swings

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I hope you guys like this chapter. I'm having so much fun writing this fanfiction. Enjoy the chapter.

Scully's POV

  Mulder and I walked to the park in silence. We'd been walking for about ten minutes. I looked at my phone. The time was 4:36. As we walked on the sidewalk, the streets were completely silent except for the sound of a car's engine approaching us. I saw Mulder turn his head. I turned my head towards him. His eyes went wide and then out of nowhere he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the sidewalk, and we hid behind a house. He spun me around and my back was up against the wall of the house. Mulder had his hands on both sides of me up against the wall. He peered around the corner of the house and watched as the car slow down.

  I looked around the corner and saw three guys in a yellow North American P-51 mustang (see what I did there😜). The guy in the passenger seat was holding something shiny and silver in his hand as his arm hung out of the window. He had a cigarette in his mouth. I could only see him in the passenger seat. I couldn't see the other two guys in the car. I only saw the silhouette of the guy in back seat, and it looked like he was holding a wooden baseball bat.

  I saw the guy in the passenger seat scoff and throw his cigarette onto the floor. Eventually the car sped up and drove away. I felt Mulder let out a long, relieved sigh. He let his head hang. He looked back up at me in the eyes. I looked at him with a worried look on my face. "Mulder, who were those guys? Why were you hiding from them?" I asked.

  Mulder put his hands in his back pockets. "Just some guys from school." Mulder said looking at the ground.

  I grabbed Mulder's hand. "Mulder?" I asked concerned.

  "It's nothing. I'll tell you later. Let's just go to the park. We're only a couple minutes away." Mulder said.

  I sighed. I was worried about Mulder. I let his hand go. "Ok. Let's go." I said walking towards the sidewalk. I heard Mulder's footsteps behind me. We got back on to the sidewalk and started walking the way we were walking before.

  Just like Mulder said, a couples minutes later I saw the park he was talking about. From the looks of the park, it looked like no one had played there for years. There was a small wooden playground, a set of monkey bars, a seesaw, one of the dome things that are like monkey bars, and a set of two swings. I saw a smile appear on Mulder's face. "We're here." Mulder said.

  "Where are we exactly?" I asked.

  "My favorite park. It closed down a several years ago, but I remember coming here all the time with my mom and my sister."

  "What about your dad?"

  Mulder lowered his head and didn't say anything. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Mulder. I didn't time an to bring up any bad memories."

  "It's ok, Scully. You wouldn't have known. From what my mom told me, my dad left before my sister was born. I barely remember anything about my dad."

  "I'm sorry that I mentioned your dad."

  "Scully, you don't have to keep saying you're sorry. Really, it's fine."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Positive." Mulder gave me a reassuring smile.

  "Well, what are we waiting for. Let's go have fun!"
Mulder and I played around in the old park for a while. Every time we put both of our weight on a certain part of the playground , it would squeak loudly. We went back and forth between the monkey bars and the seesaw. Eventually I ran over to the swings. I sat down in the swing and slowly start swinging my legs back and forth. Mulder walked behind me and grabbed the chains of my swung and gently pushed me. I smiled at the small, adorable gesture Mulder made. "I did you ever play that game where you'd see how high you could go on the swung and then you'd jump off?" Mulder asked.

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