Chapter 7: Stars

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I love this chapter so much. I think what helps me with the chapter plots is having a title for the chapter. I hope you guys like this chapter. Just like every other chapter I've written or will write, it was a lot of fun to write. As always watch the video above and enjoy the chapter!
Scully's POV

  I finished cleaning and bandaging Missy's legs. By the time I was done, she kind of looked like a mummy. The worst part was, Missy could barely bend her legs. She could barley walk. She wouldn't be able to go to volleyball practice for the next couple of weeks. I felt so bad for her. I helped her down from the table. "How are you feeling?" I asked Missy.

  Missy winced silently when her legs bent. "I'm ok, I guess. It just sucks that I can't play volleyball for the next few weeks. And my coach said that I showed a lot of potential." Missy said looking down sadly.

  "Well, I'm so proud of you for being such a good volleyball player. I could never do that." I said.

  "Well, you're short so..." Missy smiled.

  "Haha, very funny. I'm glad your sense of humor still exists."

  The door opened again. I looked up and I saw Mulder. "Hey, Scully. I just wanted to let you know that dinner is ready." Mulder said awkwardly.

  "Ok, thanks Mulder. We'll be out there in a minute." I said grabbing Missy's arm so I could help her walk.

  Mulder left and went to, I assume, the dining room to sit down. "Hey, Dana, why did he call you by your last name?" Missy asked as we slowly walked out of the medic room down the hallway.

  "Oh, it's just a respect thing. He wanted me to call him by his last name." I explained.

  "Why do you him by his last name?" Missy asked.

  "Again. A respect thing. It's kind of something we do."

  "Oh ok."

  We entered the dining room where everyone was waiting for us. The smell of paella filled my nose. "Dinner smells great." Missy said with a small smile.

  "I hope Mulder enjoys paella." My mom said looking at Mulder who was sitting across from her.

  "What exaclty is paella?" Mulder asked.

  "Paella is a Spanish dish of rice, seafood or meat, and vegetables served in a large shallow pan. You can add lemon juice on top if you want. It's really good. You'll like it." I explained helping Missy sit down next to my little brother, Charlie.

  "Who needs Google when you have Scully?" Mulder said sarcastically.

  Everybody laughed except for Bill. He just glared at Mulder. "My Starbuck is very bright." My dad said smiling at me.

  I sat down in between Mulder and Missy. Everyone folded their hands, bowed their heads and closed their eyes. Mulder looked at me with a confused look. I gave him a look. He folded his hand and bowed his head. "Dear Lord," my dad began. "Thank you for the food we are about to receive. I hope that every one had a good first day at school today. We pray that Missy's legs heal. Amen."

  Then we started eating. Everyone served themselves their food. Mulder took a bit of the paella and his eyes lit up. "This is delicious." Mulder exclaimed.

  "Thank you sweetie." My mom said with a smile.

  "Who knew Spanish food was so good." Mulder said.

  "My mom loves to cook." I said.

  I looked over at my little brother Charlie who was devouring his food. "So Charlie," I began sitting up. Charlie looked up at me. "How was your first day at your new school?"

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