Chapter 11: It's All Fun in Games

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   I hope you like this chapter. It's going to be kind of a goofy chapter. Enjoy the chapter and watch the video above!
Missy's POV

There's something going on between Dana and Mulder. I don't know what it is, but they have this certain chemistry about them that I can't quite figure out. There's just something about the two of them that makes me giddy. It's great to see Dana smiling again though. I've never seen her smile or laugh this much since we were little. It makes me happy that Dana found someone who can make her smile. I have a feeling that Mulder will be around a lot more now.
Scully's POV

  After about an hour and a half Mulder and I were both done with our homework. We were just sitting in absolute silence while we did our homework. We didn't said a word to each other. We didn't even look at each other. We laid on my full sized bed, leaning against the bed frame. I was on my phone when Mulder tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up from my phone and looked into Mulder's hazel green eyes. "What do you want to do now?" Mulder asked looking at me.

  "I don't know. What do you want to do?" I asked pulling the sleeves of Mulder's sweater down over my hands.

  "Do you want to go down to the park again?"

  "I don't feel like going out right now. I have to pack for your house. We could play something on my Wii."

  "Ok. That sounds fun. What games do you have?"

  "Mario Kart, Wii Sports Resorts, Wii Play, Super Smash Bros Brawl, all that good shit."

  "I could play some Wii Sports Resort."

  "Ok. Just give me ten minutes to pack."


  I jumped off my tall bed and went into my closet. I grabbed a small duffle bag from my closet and packed some clothes into my bag. I grabbed an oversized, black adidas shirt that went down to about my mid thighs and some black volleyball shorts. I shoved my pajamas and my clothes for tomorrow into my duffle bag. I walked out of my closet and went into the bathroom. I started packing my toiletries in a separate bag. I grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, my hairbrush, mascara, and a couple chokers for tomorrow. I walked back out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. I threw my toiletries bag into my duffle bag and zipped it up. I threw it into my bed. I jumped onto my bed and landed on my stomach next to Mulder. "Ready for some Wii Sports Resort?" I asked looking up at Mulder who was grinning down at me.

"Yep, let's go." Mulder said sitting up.

  I got off the bed and Mulder followed. We walked downstairs. Then we went down another flight of stairs and we eventually went into the (what my family calls) wreck room. The TV was already on. I could hear the sounds of cars driving and the sound of different characters making noises. When I turned the corner I saw Missy playing Mario Kart. "Hey Missy." I said.

  Missy paused her game and turned around. "Hey Dana. What's up?" Missy asked.

  "Not much. Mulder and I were just hoping we could play Wii Sports Resort. You can play with us if you want."

  "Yeah, sure. I'll play with you guys."

  Missy took the disc out of the Wii and out in the Wii Sports Resort disc. It loaded and we all started playing.
We played on the Wii for the next few hours. I won the sword fight several times and Missy won the dog fight a few times. Mulder won the wake boarding and the archery. Mulder and I said left the wreck room. I looked at my phone, and I realized that it was 6:06. I dialed the pizza place's number. I waited for someone to pick up. "Hi, this is Little Caesers. May I take your order?" Someone as,Ed over the phone.

"Uh, yeah. Can I have a large half pepperoni and half cheese pizza please?" I asked walking back up to my bedroom. I heard Mulder following me.

"Sure thing. Would you like anything else?"

"No. That's it."

"Alright. Will you be paying with cash or credit?"


"Ok, and what's your address?"

"2109 NE Stalker Street."

"Thank you. Your order will be there between 6:45 and 7:30."

"Ok. Thank you."

The line went dead, and I hung up the phone. I turned back to Mulder. "Well, the pizza going to be here between 6:45 and 7:30." I said putting my phone in my back pocket.

  "Ok. What time is it now?" Mulder asked.

  I looked up at the clock on the wall. "It's 6:18."

  "We still have time."

  "What should we do now?"

  "I don't know. Do you want to play a board game or something?"

  I chuckled slightly. "Sure, why the hell not?"

  "What games do you have?"

  "Well, let's go see."

  "You can wait in my room if you want."


  Mulder and I parted ways. I went back tot the wreck room, and Mulder went up to my room.
Several, several minutes later...

Mulder and I were in the middle of a serious fame of UNO. We were both focused on our cards. Mulder had less cards, meaning he was currently winning. For now at least. Mulder smirked and placed down a red card that said "draw two". I gave him a nasty glare. He smirked back thinking he had beaten me. Then I smirked. "You shouldn't have done that." I warned with a smirk.

"Why?" Mulder asked with a slight smirk in his face.

I slapped down a draw-four card on top of his card. "Ha." I said.

Then he slapped down another draw-four card on top of mine. I still had several draw-two cards a draw-four cards left. He couldn't last that long. We continued to pile draw-two and draw-four cards in top of each other's. Eventually I slapped my final draw four card down. By now we whoever didn't have another draw-two or draw-four card would have to draw over twenty cards.

I looked up at Mulder. He had a shocked look on face. The color in his face was gone. He slapped all of his car down on my bed. "DAMNIT!" He shouted.

I dropped my cards and stated laughing hysterically. "I win!" I said jumping off my bed and dancing around my room.

"You're good, Sculls." Mulder said.

"I know." I said putting my hands on my hips.

Before Mulder had a chance to speak, the doorbell rang. "Look's like the pizza's here."

  I hope you guys liked this chapter! I know the story seems to kind of be going nowhere, but I'll speed it up in the next couple of chapters! PLEASE COMMENTS YOUR THOUGHTS AND VOTE!!!!

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