Walking on Thin Ice

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The BAU was in Alaska, investigating a series of murders. Dead bodies were being hidden in a glacier cave. JJ and Prentiss were interviewing a friend of one of the victims. Rossi and Hotch were at the autopsy examining the unsub's M.O. Reid and Morgan got stuck going to the unsub's hiding spot. Out in the cold.

The wind was blowing, making the already freezing air much colder. Reid and Morgan were all bundled up with coats, gloves, and hats covering them up. Their breath creating clouds of water vapor with every exhale.

They trudged through the snow before the frozen-over lake came into view. The glacier was only across the lake by a short distance. The quickest way would to just walk across the ice.

"Should we just walk across?" Morgan asked.

Reid looked at Morgan with a look of worry, "No! Don't you know how dangerous it is to walk across frozen lakes?"

"Yeah but it's not too far, I'm sure we'll be fine" Morgan shrugged without any concern.

Reid stayed silent in thought, falling through ice was always one of his fears. He wiggled his numb toes in anxiety. He felt a hand touch his back.

"Is something wrong kid?" Morgan asked, taking on a slightly more serious tone.

Reid bit his lip as his body started to mildly shake in worry. However, Reid was getting tired of being seen as so weak and frightened all the time. He wanted to be brave, like Morgan or Hotch.

"O-okay, let's go" Reid said, trying his best to hide the uneasiness in his voice.

Morgan took a step onto the thick ice. Reid stood hesitant for a while, before he landed his foot onto the ice, followed by his second. Spencer's stomach flipped at the thought of going any farther.

The two started to walk at a normal pace, occasionally slipping a bit on the ice and laughing it off. Reid felt his heart was about to explode, but he tried to keep hiding his panic from Morgan.

Reid and Morgan were almost to the glacier cave, that was supported by land. Reid couldn't wait to feel safe and secure again. Morgan stepped onto the snowy land. Reid following about a yard behind. Spencer was feeling proud of how he accomplished his fear, until he took one step forward, not noticing how thin the ice was there.

Crack. Crack. Crack. Reid stopped breathing and looked down in horror at what he was hearing. His body froze in fear, he didn't know what he should do. But before he could even decide what to do. The sheet of thin ice broke from underneath his frame. 

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