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The rest of the team came to visit Reid in the hospital. They were so relieved to find out that he was alright. They talked and hung out for hours, it was becoming nightfall. Soon the team left to get some rest. Morgan stayed behind, he just couldn't leave Reid.

It was now the middle of the night, Reid was sleeping in the hospital bed, Morgan sleeping in the chair next to him.

Reid heard the ice crack from underneath him, he fell into the freezing cold water. "Morgan!" He yelled, but Morgan kept walking like he didn't hear his cries. Reid began to sink further down into the lake. He couldn't breathe, water was filling his lungs, the cold water biting his skin, it stung. It hurt. "Morgan! Help!" he yelled helplessly from underneath the water. He tried desperately to swim up to the surface, but he wouldn't move, it was like running on a treadmill. Reid watched in terror as the hole of ice above him, his only chance of escape, began to re-freeze, sealing him inside the lake. "No! Morgan please come!" He yelled, this was it, he was going to drown and die...

Morgan awoke to Reid shouting his name, he looked to Reid and his eyes were closed. His lovable features contorted with fear and pain. "Morgan...g-goodbye" Reid whimpered, still asleep, a tear fell down his cheek.

Morgan couldn't stand seeing Reid so frightened, he placed his hand on Reid's shoulder and shook him awake. "Reid, wake up" he said.

Reid's eyes opened with a jolt and he was wide eyed in fear, he began to struggle against Morgan's grip.

"Shh- no, don't panic Reid, it's just a dream" Morgan soothed, looking deep into Reid's panicked eyes.

Reid nodded softly, still trembling. "I was stuck under the ice a-and I couldn't get out I-I couldn't breathe!" Reid cried out as he began to recollect his nightmare.

"Reid, Reid just breathe, everything is alright, you're safe" Morgan comforted, sitting down on the bed and rubbing Reid's back softly to calm him down.

"You couldn't hear m-me calling, so I sunk and I began to d-drown, I couldn't swim up" Reid began to ramble, frightened.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Morgan asked.

Reid explained his nightmare to Morgan in detail. Once Reid was done, Morgan embraced Reid in a hug.

"Reid, I want you to know that I love you. I would never leave you behind" Morgan whispered reassuringly.

Reid exhaled deeply after finally calming down.

"Why don't you get some sleep Reid, it's 3 am" Morgan said, yawning.

"I'm so sorry I woke you up in the middle of the night Morgan" Reid apologized shamefully.

"Reid, don't be sorry at all, what you went through was awful, I don't expect you to get over it just like that" Morgan explained, getting up from the bed and sitting back in his chair.

The room was quiet for a while before Reid broke the silence.

"Morgan?" Reid asked softly

"Yeah Reid?" Morgan replied kindly.

"I'm scared to go back to sleep" Reid admitted.

"Reid, you're safe here, If you start having a nightmare again I will wake you up" Morgan reassured.

The room was filled with silence once again.

"Morgan?" Reid hesitantly asked.

"Yes Reid?" Morgan asked patiently.

"C-can you sleep n-next to me? I don't wanna be alone" Reid questioned softly.

"Alright Reid," Morgan agreed, getting up from the chair and climbed into the hospital bed, putting the warm bedsheets over both Reid and himself.

"I'm tired Reid, so promise me you'll go to sleep this time?" Morgan asked.

"I promise...Thank you Morgan" Reid whispered.

Morgan snuggled closer to Reid and placed his arm around Reid to soothe him. Reid rested his head on Morgan's shoulder. After a while, Morgan heard Reid's breathing calm down. He looked down to see Reid sleeping tranquilly. Morgan closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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