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Reid slowly opened his heavy eyelids. His body felt strangely fuzzy and lightweight. Turning his head to the side, his eyes tried to open more. Reid's movements signaled to Morgan and Garcia that he was finally awake.

Morgan grabbed Reid's hand, "Reid, I'm right here" Morgan said, soothingly.

Reid looked at Morgan through dazed hazel eyes. "W-what happened?" he asked in a raspy voice, before clearing his throat.

"You, well, you fell through the ice, nearly froze and almost drowned to death" Morgan replied.

Reid furrowed his brow, trying to remember everything that happened, his thoughts were interrupted by Garcia.

"Reid, Don't ever scare us like this again!" She said before giving him a gentle hug. Reid smirked.

"I was so scared man, I thought you were dead." Morgan added, looking into Reid's eyes with genuine emotion. He cared so much for Reid, he didn't care how awkward the situation was. He would let Reid know that he loved him like family no matter what.

Morgan couldn't help but notice that whenever he looked at Reid, Reid seemed disoriented and tired. Morgan wasn't used to seeing Reid this way, it looked as if he was drunk.

"That could just be the anesthesia wearing off" Morgan thought, but he wanted his old Reid back, and he wanted to make sure that Reid was just like his old self when he got out of here.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom real quick" Morgan said, excusing himself. Once he was outside the door he found a nurse.

"Excuse me," Morgan asked her, she turned around.

"What can I help you with?" She replied with.

"I just have a question. So my friend is recovering from hypothermia right now. But he seems kind of confused and out of it. Do you know why that might be?" Morgan asked.

"Those symptoms are common in hypothermia, dazed state of mind, slight loss of motor skills, involuntary shivering, slurred speech, and poor coordination can happen with patients suffering from hypothermia. But don't worry, once he is fully recovered these symptoms will subside. Luckily it doesn't take very long to recover from hypothermia." she explained.

"Alright, thank you so much" Morgan replied gratefully and returned to the room.

"Hey kid, how are you doing?" Morgan asked, sitting back down in the chair next to Reid's bed.

"Good" Reid replied weakly. Morgan laughed at the irony in Reid's response. 

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