What Happened...

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"Reid's in the emergency room" Prentiss told Hotch once they got to the police station.

"What happened?" Rossi asked, concerned.

Both Prentiss and JJ looked at Morgan; he hadn't told them exactly what happened, he didn't have time to explain to them.

Morgan took a deep breath. "Reid fell through the ice and I didn't know at first. I turned around when he yelled my name, he was struggling to get out of the water. He passed out from panicking too much and began sinking down the water. When I got him out he didn't have a pulse, so I gave him CPR. Prentiss and JJ came over and we drove to the hospital. In the emergency room Reid started to cough up water but he was shivering like crazy. Right now he's in the operating room." Morgan explained quickly.

The "clip clop" sound of heels on the hard floor came closer. "Guy's I think I got our unsub, I already sent the address to your phon..." Garcia paused seeing everyone standing together with worried looks on their faces.

"What's going on?" She asked, walking closer.

"Reid's in the emergency room, but right now we need to track down our unsub" Hotch said.

"What?!" Garcia exclaimed from shock.

"We will explain later, we have to go, Morgan, stay behind and make sure Reid is okay" JJ said, and with that they were out the door and off to catch the unsub.

Garcia stood wide eyed at what she had just heard. "Do you mind telling me what happened?" She asked Morgan upset.

Hesitant, Morgan explained everything that happened at the glacier; in detail. From when they began walking on the ice, all the way to the operating room. He clenched his teeth together after telling the story, trying to keep his emotions inside. He couldn't help but worry, Reid was like a little brother to him.

Garcia was already in tears halfway through his explanation. "I'm proud of you chocolate thunder, Reid could have died if it wasn't for you" she sniveled, giving Morgan a hug.

"Come on, let's go to the hospital and wait for Reid" She said, grabbing her coat and her bag.

Once they got to the emergency room, they sat down in the waiting room. It felt like an eternity there, the two of them wanted to talk about what just happened, but they let silence speak instead.

After about an hour and a half, a doctor came out holding a clipboard. "You're here for Spencer Reid, right?"

"Yes," Morgan said anxious, already standing up.

"He suffered from hypothermia and nearly drowned, but we were able to save him. We needed to operate on his broken ribs, which don't worry, it is normal to break ribs during CPR. He is coming out of surgery now. You may come visit him now." She explained politely.

Morgan and Garcia followed the doctor down the hallway to Reid's hospital room.

There was Reid, laying calmly under an electric blanket. His dark eyelids closed, his face pale. A slow heart monitor beeping, telling Morgan that Reid was still alive. 

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