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JJ had a new case for the BAU to investigate, she gave everyone the briefing.

All of the team could tell that something off about Reid. He was avoiding eye contact, rubbing his temple and pressing the bridge of his nose in pain, and he seemed the kind of exhausted that sleep wouldn't fix.

"Wheels up in 30" Hotch ordered.

Everyone got up from their chairs and left the bullpen. Reid walked out slowly, feeling his eyelids begging to close from fatigue.

Once he got to his desk he slumped down onto the rolling office chair, leaning his head back for a few seconds. However, his body took those few seconds to get the rest it so desperately desired. Reid fell asleep before a minute was up.

"I'm worried about Reid" Morgan told Garcia inside her computer office as she typed and clicked away.

"Why, what's wrong?" She asked concerned, stopping to give Morgan eye contact.

"I can tell something is wrong, he looks so tired and weak, when I asked him if he got sleep he admitted to being up all night due to his intense nightmares. I wanted to talk to him about it but he denied and walked away" Morgan explained.

"Aww not my sweet boy, he doesn't deserve this" Garcia sympathized genuinely.

"What should I do? He doesn't want me to help him, but I need to" Morgan asked

"Maybe you could just treat him like nothing is wrong and you aren't trying to get on his case. You know, just chat with him about whatever feels right, later on he might get comfortable enough to open up more" Garcia suggested.

"I guess it's worth a try, thanks baby girl" Morgan said, leaving her office

Morgan saw Reid at his desk, leaned back in his chair, eyes closed, lips slightly parted, neck stretched back as his head lay on the uncomfortable back of the chair. Morgan became concerned for his friend and walked briskly over to Reid.

Morgan placed a gentle hand on Reid's shoulder. He was about to shake him awake when he saw Reid's featherweight eyelids covering his beautiful honey-brown eyes. The nostrils on his adorable nose exhaling peacefully. His flawless lips parted ever so slightly that his teeth barely graced his bottom lip. Morgan wondered if he should disrupt his friend's tranquil and elegant rest.

Morgan decided to wait ten minutes to let Reid sleep a while longer. However, Morgan became worried with the notion that Reid might get another nightmare, he always hating seeing Reid after a nightmare. The way his captivating eyes show such intense emotion and fear once they open. The way they stare at you in terror before realizing the dream wasn't real. Morgan could only describe it as heartbreaking.

Ten minutes passed and everyone was grabbing their go-bags and preparing to leave. Morgan walked up to Reid quietly and placed his soft touch upon Reid's shoulder once again.

"Reid?" Morgan said quietly, shaking him.

Reid remained indifferent to Morgan's attempt to wake him. Morgan shook him harder again.

"Reid," Morgan said louder this time. The other team members heard and began to see what was going on, they came up closer.

Reid still stayed impossible to awaken. Morgan became uneasy at the too-familiar sight of Reid laying unconscious.

"He might wake up if I pour a bit of water on him, that always wakes people up" Morgan thought, he wasn't knowledgable of Reid's new phobia of water.

Grabbing a water bottle from his go-bag, he unscrewed the lid and held the bottle of water close to Reid's face. He slightly tipped the bottle down and poured a small amount of water onto Reid's face.

In about three seconds, Reid's eyes shot open and he looked startled. He sat up straight and gripped the arm rests of his chair tightly. Morgan tried not to sound overly concerned.

"Hey man, we gotta get going" Morgan said, taking Garcia's advice and trying to sound natural.

"Oh, yeah, sorry I must have fell asleep" Reid apologized and slung his bag over his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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