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Reid felt his body fall through the ice. Coldness engulfed his body as he became submerged in the freezing water. Even though he knew it wasn't logical, Reid fell into a state of panic.

"Morgan!" He shouted, spitting out water and catching his breath before the weight of his clothes dragged him down again.

With coldness penetrating all of Reid's skin, he couldn't calm himself down. Thrashing about, he tried to grab onto the edge of the ice, but it was slick due to the new water that had been splashed onto it. He felt as though his organs were already frozen solid. Fear inducing him to take short and quick breaths, his heart beating like mad, black dots and blurriness was all he saw before his body gave up and welcomed the darkness.

Morgan ran to the edge of the ice to see that Reid had stopped moving and had fainted due to his immense terror. It wasn't long before all of Reid's clothing caused his unconscious body to begin sinking.

"Reid!" Morgan yelled and reached his arms into the ice cold water, but Reid was beyond reach. There was no time to think, and no time to waste.

Diving into the water, he went after his best friend. Time seemed to slow down as he contemplated what was happening.

There was Reid, looking as though he was peacefully asleep, floating in the water. The light outside creating a soft glow on his pale complexion. His dark curly locks creating a silky soft halo around his perfect face.

Morgan swam as fast as he could and grabbed ahold of Reid's coat, and with that he swam towards the surface of the ice. Reid's body feeling light as a feather underwater.

Resurfacing, he took a deep breath and clutched the frigid ice, it gave his hand a stinging cold burn, but that wasn't important. He used all of his strength to pull himself out of the water and onto land. Once he did, he sat on the edge of the water and pulled Reid up.

Once Reid was out of the water, Morgan carried him to actual land. The closest place for warmth was the glacier cave. Morgan ran, holding Reid close in his arms.

He got inside the cave and laid Reid down gently. He put two icy fingers to Reid's pale neck and checked for a pulse. There was no movement. Morgan's stomach flipped at the thought of losing Reid. He checked one more time, only to find nothing.

Without hesitation, Morgan straddled Reid's waist and pressed up his palms to the bottom of Reid's sternum. He began pulsing chest compressions in a desperate attempt to rescue his friend. Reid lay motionless throughout the CPR procedure. Every compression that passed by where Reid didn't wake up, made Morgan more and more afraid.

"Come on man" Morgan shouted, his voice quivering as hot tears began to fall. Reid still remained immobile, his blue lips revealing no breath.

"Stay with me pretty boy" he whispered before pinching Reid's nose and performing mouth to mouth. He breathed into Reid's soft, cold, lips, and he felt as though he were breathing into a corpse. But Morgan would not give up on Reid. 

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