Emergency Room

801 20 4

Morgan ran through the doors of the emergency room, carrying unconscious Reid in his arms.

"Please! My friend needs help!" Morgan cried out desperately, running to the front desk. Prentiss and JJ rushed in through the doors.

"Okay, there are medics coming right away" The secretary said, pushing a call button on her desk.

Morgan glanced down at Reid, who started shivering in his arms again.

"Reid can you hear me?" Morgan asked concerned, at least Reid was still alive.

Reid began to take in jagged, choked breaths. He was struggling to breathe, like he was still underwater. Reid began to convulse with a series of intense coughs. Water that was stuck in his lungs was coughed up as well. Once he was done coughing, his shivering continued.

The medics came up with a stretcher and Morgan laid Reid's gentle young body down.

Reid's head was light as a feather, his ribs were screaming in pain. He felt his body being placed on the stretcher. A hand grabbed ahold of his, through quivering eyelids he made out that Morgan was by his side. A small smile tried its best to appear, only the corner of Reid's mouth perking upward slightly.

"Reid, I'm right here, everything is going to be okay" Morgan kept consoling while stroking Reid's pale-white hand with his thumb.

Reid weakly nodded in response, keeping his gaze on Morgan the whole stretcher ride. They made it to the operating room.

"Sorry sir, you can't come inside at this moment, but you can visit him after" One of the doctors told Morgan sympathetically, then closed the door.

Morgan watched through the window.

The doctors picked up Reid's exhausted body from the stretcher and onto the hospital bed. They hooked him up to a heart monitor. Another doctor placed an oxygen mask on Reid's nose and mouth. His frozen, wet clothes were replaced with a hospital gown.

Reid felt a small sharp pain enter into his arm. His eyes shifted down to see that there was a needle in his arm. A numb feeling spread across his body, and before he knew it, he was knocked out.

Morgan saw the medics pull out a scalpel, along with other surgical instruments to operate on his broken ribs. He looked away once he saw the knife cut Reid's chest, creating a line of dark crimson.

Prentiss laid a hand on Morgan's shoulder, "Hey, Reid's gonna be alright, you did everything you could" she comforted.

Morgan just nodded in return, he was stuck in his own mind. Although he appreciated the support, he didn't feel like talking all that much.

"Well, I bet you're cold too, I think you should change into some dry clothes and warm up" JJ added.

"What? Aren't we gonna wait here to make sure Reid is okay?" Morgan protested, still worrying about him.

"We can come back, but we should inform the rest of the team" Prentiss explained.

Morgan glanced back at the operating room one more time; sighing. They left the automatic doors and drove back to the police station that the team was using.

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