The Tears Fall

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Reid was introduced to a white light, it was coming from the end of a long tunnel. He began to walk down to reach the tempting illumination. He made his way down the tunnel. He felt as though he was floating on air, peaceful as a mirror-still lake. Further Reid came towards the white beam of light, he could feel his body becoming lighter and lighter. He was inches away from this light, logically, no person could see this with the naked eye.

An echo came from the other side of the tunnel. "Come on Reid", the voice said, it was Morgan.

"Morgan?" Reid asked, turning away from the light and looking back.

Slowly, Reid could feel his chest start to hurt in short pulses. The tunnel and light he once saw were replaced with darkness.

Morgan had already broken through Reid's ribs in order to keep his heart beating. Not only was his phone broken from the water, he was freezing as well. He let out a shaky cold breath and rubbed his hands together before performing mouth-to-mouth once again. It seemed hopeless at this point.

He took a teary eyed look at Reid's pale, cold skin, his blue hued lips, his fragile eyelashes that rested gently on his cheeks. Morgan let out a hopeless sob.

"I'm so sorry kid" He choked out through sobs that wracked his frame. He placed his head in his hands and continued to weep.

"Please wake up" Morgan whimpered once more, letting tears land on his friend's body.

Morgan heard talking coming from the entrance of the cave, with footsteps. He looked up to see JJ and Prentiss coming towards them. They got to the cave and gasped at seeing Reid laying on the floor and Morgan red-eyed with tears.

"What happened?" JJ said as she and Prentiss rushed to Reid's side.

"He fell through the ice," Morgan said, trying not to let his voice break. "He fell pretty far down before I could get to him...I-I'm pretty sure he's dead" he said before sniffing and rubbing his nose.

"Well, an ambulance can't drive out here," Prentiss said, "we should take him to the car, it's pretty far out though because of the snow" she continued.

Morgan picked up Reid and they got up, they didn't want to risk going across the ice again; they had to go the long way. They needed to go fast, so Morgan slung Reid over his shoulder and held onto his legs. They went as fast as they could across the snowy terrain. Reid's weak arms swinging limply with every step Morgan took.

It felt like hours before they finally reached the black FBI vehicle. Once they arrived Morgan hopped into the backseat and laid Reid's head in his lap. They were off like a rocket, speeding to get to the hospital.

Muffled noises came to Reid's ears as he could sense from the soft hum of a car ride. Everything was dark, he tried his best to open his eyes.

"What's going on" He tried to say, but it only came out in a small moan-whisper.

"Reid?" Morgan looked to his friend, who was trying to speak from his frozen lips.

Morgan held Reid's face in his hands as Reid began to wake up slowly. Reid's eyes fluttered open and he furrowed his eyebrows. Once his eyes were fully opened he looked strait into Morgan's eyes.

Reid began to look confused, his memory was hazy.

He tried recollecting what happened: falling through the ice. Cold. Freezing. Scared. Can't breathe. Darkness.

A panicked look arose on Reid's face, a look of true fear spread across his innocent features. He grabbed ahold of Morgan's arm to ground himself. He was shivering involuntarily from the cold.

"Shh, shh, Reid, it's okay, I'm right here, don't worry" Morgan comforted, stroking Reid's hair to calm him down.

Small whimpers escaped Reid's lips as he continued to tremble. He looked up to Morgan before his eyes rolled back and he collapsed back into Morgan's lap.


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