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Reid was released from the hospital today. His vitals were looking healthy and his core temperature was back to normal. Now the team was in the jet, flying back to Quantico.

Reid was snuggled inside a cobalt blue blanket, sleeping on the couch.

Morgan sat in the chair closest to Reid, keeping a close eye on him. He wanted to be there for Reid in case he had another nightmare. "Why do bad things always happen to Reid?" Morgan thought to himself.

The team was sitting together and talking, trying to avoid discussing what had just happened. Prentiss and JJ were especially quiet. They were not ready to see Reid so cold and lifeless, they would never be ready. It scared them. Reid was too young, smart, innocent, and kind to be lost to some stupid frozen lake.

Reid found himself tied to a chair in a cold, dark room. In front of him was a stool with a bowl of water on top of it. Reid struggled against his bindings but stopped when he heard footsteps coming from behind him. Reid turned around to see who was coming. It was a man made out of ice. He had no facial features, just an expressionless face that gave Reid the chills. The man gripped the back of Reid's neck vigorously. Reid let out a whimper of fear. The man began to push Reid's head towards the bowl of water. He held Reid's face down in the water, not letting him come up for air. Reid's heart began to race, he couldn't hold his breath any longer. Reid struggled to come up for air, but the man kept his icy grip on him. Reid's body began to gasp for air, even though in his mind he knew there was no way to get oxygen. The water filled up Reid's lungs and stung like fire. He could feel breath of death upon his neck, this was the end.

Morgan heard Reid begin to take short and panicked breaths. Once again, Reid's face showed fear and pain. He shuddered in his sleep. "No, stop" Reid whimpered weakly. Reid began to thrash about like someone was hurting him. Reid began to take hysterical gasps for air and thrash more.

Morgan jumped up from his seat and shook Reid's shoulder.

The team got up from there seats to see what was going on.

"Reid wake up! It's not real!" Morgan yelled.

Reid's eyes shot open and he blinked a couple times. He saw the whole team surrounding him with looks of worry on their faces. Reid buried his face in his hands from embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry" Reid apologized. His pale cheeks becoming flushed.

"Aww Reid, you have nothing to apologize for" Garcia consoled, squeezing Reid into a hug.

The team went back to their seats, they could tell that Reid felt very uncomfortable with all eyes on him. They didn't want to overwhelm him, it was better to just let him calm down.

Morgan took a seat next to Reid on the couch.

"Another nightmare?" Morgan asked, even though he knew the answer

Reid nodded his head of messy brown locks, rubbing his tired eyes.

"I understand if you don't wanna talk about it right now, but I just want you to know that I will be here for you. Always" Morgan comforted.

Reid nodded again, "Thanks" he said shyly.

"You need anything?" Morgan offered.

"I actually am a bit thirsty" Reid admitted.

"Sure thing kid" Morgan said before getting up to grab Reid a glass of water.

Morgan came back and handed Reid a glass of water with ice in it. Reid's chest felt like it was getting tighter, his heart beat faster. The feeling of cold water in his hands sent him back to drowning in a lake.

Morgan noticed Reid was just staring wide-eyed at the glass of water.

"Everything alright kid?" Morgan asked.

Reid didn't notice Morgan calling his name.

"Huh? Oh yeah everything's fine" Reid lied.

Reid took a sip of the water, but the moment that the water hit his lips, he was afraid. The nightmare he just had, it only took a small bowl of water to kill him, why was a glass of water any different. He knew logically that drinking water was completely normal, there was nothing to be afraid of. But feeling the water go down his esophagus reminded him of his lungs filling up with water, and the pain it caused. He couldn't stand it any longer.

Morgan saw Reid take a sip of water, not enough to quench anyone's thirst. He noticed that Reid simply stared at the glass of water, he seemed, afraid of it.

"Reid, are you okay?" Morgan asked concerned.

"I'm fine" Reid said quickly, before getting up and pouring the water down the drain. 

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