Chapter 1 How Awesome is this?!

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"Wait it gets even better" Ben said walking with you down the hall. You both stopped at a door that said "Video Game Room?!" you squealed. He opened the door and you saw a whole bunch of Video game consoles that you used to have. "There's xbox360, ps3, GameCube, and a lot of other older consoles" Ben explained. You let go of his hand and ran to an xbox and started playing COD Black opps 2. "die die die die!!!!" you yell "HACKERS EVERYWERE!!!!" that when you throw the controller onto another couch and cry of anger. "Its ok (y/n) calm down" Ben tried to calm you down. A few minutes of Anger Crying later the same girl from the bus showed up and started freaking out when she saw you. "OMG ARE YOU OK WHAT HAPPENED?! DID BEN HURT YOU?! SAY SOMETHING!!!"

"I'm fine and no Ben didnt hurt me" you sniffled "He's just trying to be nice. How do you know him?" the girl came over and smiled "Were childhood friends". After your conversation you finally stood up you asked the girl "what's your name?"

"Oh me....uhh.....Sarah Shinza sorry about not telling you before"

"That's ok I'm (y/n) (l/n), nice to meet you" you smiled "do you know what time class is? I have a map but I lost my schedule"

"Of course!" Sarah cleared her throat
"This is my second year here so for today class starts at 10am because it's the first day so there will be club sign ups, Football tryouts, cheerleading tryouts, anything you could ever imagine happens on This Day Only then the rest of the years classes start at 8am " Sarah stated. You nod "well lets get going Ladies!" Ben said and you all walked to the Gym. The gym was packed with stands and students. "Im gonna go to the cheerleading Both so I'll see you later!" Sarah yelled at you and Ben. You smiled and ran to certain stand caught your eye. The sign said 'Hardcore Gamers Club' and you signed up in a heartbeat. Everybody started leaving so you checked your watch. It was 9:57 you thought in your mind 'Shit I don't even know what classes I have, and my schedule doesn't have anything useful! ' you decide to walk around the halls by yourself and then hide in the girls bathroom till the bell rings for lunch. You start to hear a few voices coming in so you stand on a toilet, silently in the stall. "These new girls think their better than us" a darker skinned girl complained

"Yeah I mean like their totally ugly and nobody will like them after we deal with them" the girl with blue hair said all snob like.

"Those girls have what's coming to them." You decide to step in and say something so unlocking the stall door would certainly get their attention. "who's there?" the girls said in sync.

"Hi I'm (y/n) (l/n), I'm obviously new here and I know your plan. I don't think I'm prettier nor uglier than you two but I want to say, you shouldn't wear those clothes and talk shit. All the guys want from you is sex because you show off your bodies and when you give it to them it shows how easy you really are. And they don't think
They're better than you,
They fear you like a Mouse fears a cat, which in this case is wrong because school is a place to feel safe not to be beaten up by people like you" you started walking closer to the girls and cracked your knuckles.

"Really? You want to dick around with us and call us hoes? What right do you have to say those things to us?! We are popular because we're nice to everybody and all the guys don't want us only to fuck us. Were pretty unlike everyone else here so back off and go fuck yourself you little hoe"

"You see I don't do that because I'm not desperate for a dick. unlike
You I like to prove people wrong and show them that you don't have to be a slut to get what you want. And just because you have friends doesn't mean you have to get them to beat on others just because they pissed you off, like me for example. You're gonna get your friends to beat me after school so you don't get your hands dirty. Tho I on the other hand will beat somebody on school property" You smirked and then walked to the girls. They laughed but then ran after you threw the first punch and purposely missed.


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