Chapter 13 PERTAYHH :3

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((Narrators POV))

Its been a few months scince Slender died but every day for the last 3 months (y/n) and Ben visited his grave to apologize for their mistakes. Jeff and Toby made a giant card house with glue and actually lived in it for 1 month, until Alex and Alicia burned it down to stop their foolishness. Jane is still nowhere to be found and all of Zalgos weapons (Sonic.exe, Pinkypie, Lost silver, ect) came back to their sences. Today is October 21st, (Story land) and i think its time to see whats going on INSIDE the mansion.

You were sitting on the couch watching your favourite TV show when Ben,Jeff, and Hoodie entered the room with giant grins on their faces. (If Jeffs smile can get any bigger that it already is...-.-) Without looking at the 3 idiots you asked them "What do you need me for now?" 

"WELL...." Hoodie started "We wanted to ask you if you wanted to help us plan a party for Halloween!!"

"I suppose I could but I'm too busy trying to catch up with 'Death Note' At the moment, Unless you get all the supplies for me then I guess I could help you boys" you trailed off "But then again Death Note is more important than this if you don't get everything on this list i have in my hand you wont be getting a party, Do we have a deal?" You handed Hoodie the list and gave him a moment to read it. "Deal! This is gonna be da best partahy EVVVAARRR!!!!"

"Hey hold on a sec Hoods!!!" Jeff and Ben yelled in unision, chasing Hoodie outside. 

"Idiots. I'm surrounded by complete idiots" you muttered, then continued watching Death Note.


You sat on the couch with Ben, Bawling your eyes out as you watched the last 2 episodes of Death Note. "Why Ryuk?...WWHHYYY!!!!!!!!!"

"(y/n) calm down everythings gonna be alright"

"WWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" you wailed. Forgotten entered the room and turned off the TV looking really pissed, and you just kept on crying because of how scary Forgotten can be. "THIS IS HOW YOU WASTE YOUR TIME (Y/N)?!!"

"Whatever I did I'm sorry sir, please dont hurt me!!"

"Go out and kill for once (y/n)! Ever scince your accedent (killing slendy DERP!!) you havent killed so go do it now!"

"YES SIR FORGOTTEN SIR!!!" Then you and Ben ran to one of your Former classmates houses. (This classmate is a real person that I hate that is ALWAYS bothering me and my friends so try and guess who you are :P) You looked up at her window and thought about how to cut her up. "Hey Benji should I cut her into tiny little peices or 8 equal pieces?" He just shrugged then jumped into her bedroom window, as you followed behind him. You saw the Brunette with hair up to her shoulders sleeping peacfully, too bad she's gonna go to hell. "Hey Ben we should wake her up and see if she remembers me" You say with an evil smirk on your face, then poked the sleeping girl in the eye. "What~ the hell? (y/n)? is that you?" The girl said wide eyed as she saw the blood dripping from your fingertips. "Maybe...Wanna find out if its me or not? and that this isnt a dream?" she nodded. You and Ben walked towards her and pinned her to her bed. 

"Hey Listen. I know you "try to change" but who cares about you anyway? Nobody. So say goodbye Emma" (Emma is not her real name and I do not hate any Emmas' so dont hate me if thats your name :P) Then she saw a pack of Matches come out of your pocket and screamed as you lit one and set her on fire. The last thing she heard from you was "Burn in Hell"


"Hey (y/n)! I has your supplies for party!!!" Hoodie yelled. You looked at the 10 bags in the middle of the room, then got to work. "Hoodie! Put this in the corner!"

"Jeff and Sally set this up in the middle of the kitchen!"

"Toby, Alicia, and Alex! Go put these around the house!"

"EJ, LJ, Punch holes in the wall, Splater blood on the walls! Just make it look real!!"

Ben walked up to you and almost got his head chopped off because he touched your shoulder. "You need a break, want a piggy back?"

"No I dont want a piggy back, now get to work we have less that 10 minutes left!!"

"You're no fun, Lighten up" Thats when Ben picked you up and tossed you to Alicia, then she tossed you to Toby, and so on so forth. "Let me go! WE HAS WORK TO DO YOU SLACKERS!!" you yell. All of the sudden Jeff starts tickling you and everybody joins in until the door bell rang. Everybody let you go to answer the door and you saw your friend Eve. "What are you doing here?" you whispered.

Ben Drowned x Reader ((UNDER EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now