Rant 18:"Grow up!", "You are annoying",people saying Autism in bad way

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Okay; I've had this temptation of making a rant just about these three things.

1) Being told "Grow up!"

 Okay; If I was told to grow up when I was ALREADY acting mature and stuff; what's the point? I know this may sound hypocrtical for a person like me; because look, we have our moments where we tell people  "Grow up!" who are in their teens, twenties, thirties, etc. Sometimes we need some childlishness in our life. But not the kind where you do rridicloous things to get back at people like make an account to stteal their story and repost it as yours. I've come across two people in my life who's told me "GROW UP."

 The first person who told me was annoyed by  me being on Chaturn on Ben 10 Fan Fiction for so long and 2) didn't like how I was being so friendly. 3) How I talked about Doctor Who most of the time; BUT, I didn't start the Doctor Who conversations, THOSE were the other  Whovians! Ben 10 has a lot of Doctor Who references such as Professor Paradox, The statue that disappeared in A Benwolf in London, The Time war, and etc.  There's even an EPISODE dedicated to time travel called "So long and thanks for the smoothies" where the entire universe was recreated by--. Sorry for the spoilers!  Anyway; from then on, I have made SURE to not be on Chaturn for too long.

 Oh that first person actually told me that when I was rewatching Angel the 1999 TV series, and I am not revealing their username on Ben 10 Fan Fiction because another person agreed with them on .  .  . Sorry for indulging you into this  ^.^;

    I'm matured enough that I can use my child side to not let kids get scared when a bus has hit a deer. Okay here's what happenened:

    So RobustShell.  .  .  My head hit the currsioned back of the seat in front of me. The bus stopped sharply and so fast that I wasn't didn't get scared, Why? Because the bus driver has done this five times in the past week at stop signs or at the stop lights. Did the Bus driver stop at the stop sign? I  could hear something hard roll under the bus similar to wooden log from a chopped down tree. Of course my train of thought had been interrupted.

   I  looked up to see that we did not stop at a stop sign, but quite frankly the bus driver had stopped in the middle of the road right outside Altona across from the forest that usually has cows grazing there and behind that forest is a wide gap between it and houses (Some houses look good, but the ones beside the train tracks are not that good). This was in December as I can recall.  The bus driver gets out and checks the front of the bus. I look over my shoulder seeing there was a red truck coming up.

  Right away the kids started asking "Are we going to school now?", and since this is a medicaid bus it's really surprising to see them not-so-scared. It's cold outside; snow has't quite fallen.  .  . Yet. I recall later the next two weeks that the snow covered the road side and it hard to figure out where the dead deer had been placed. The bus driver got back into the bus.

 "What just happened?" I ask.

"I hit a deer." The bus driver said, as he drove backwards.

  Later on, I learned that the deer had been running so fast that the Bus Driver didn't even see him until it was too late. It was as though the deer was being chased by something or he was just running for the hell of it.

A sophomore and a student who I didn't know what grade he was in just look startled and surprised.

I saw that the man  with the red truck was looking at something in the ditch when his  truck was going backwards.

 "Scool now?" The Paralyed Kid, who I not say tell you his name, asks. He's in a wheel chair.

"We'll be going!" I cheerfully said, sliding back and forth in front of him. "Just ya wait! We'll be going in no t--Why is there a deer with antlers that have six points in the side of the ditch with his mouth closed?"

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