Rant 121: 'Awesome chapter' commenters

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You know those kind of people who comment 'Awesome chapter'? Okay I have these kind of  people commenting those two words on Wattpad and Quotev. It is like..hmm...Okay I need to show you some examples for you to understand and laugh.

She came down the stairs sliding her hand down the slippery plastic rail.Her feet  came down the trail made by the crunched up garbage, the junk laying here and there, the pip-squeaks of mice down at the final staircase. She paid no attention to this what so ever.Her attention is not focused on the floor but only where she is going.

...and the story ends there at a page.

Awesome chapter.

Really? What did you think?

No reply.

There was a herd of Zebra's running after Malex. Holy geezun god; he is being chased by a different animal similar to a horse when it is not. A animal that wouldn't be able to run in a horse race unless this were a family oriented movie where the animals had their own narrators. Malex kicked off his heavy dark black boos feeling sweat trickle down his neck. Malex is a living furnace machine except being human.

He  leaps over a great frog, yes,  A GREAT ANCIENT FROG!

"Sorry Frog!" Malex screams.

Ribbit, ribbit , ribbit went the great ancient frog .

"APOLOGY ACCEPTED!" Malex screams. "Wish I could say that for the poor unfortunate Zebras!"

...And the story ends there after five pages.

Awesome chapter.

What did you think?

No reply.

There is a great buck finding and finding the greatest tree of all time.

That very tree he could peel off the wood and munch on during the winter. Oh the mighty winter at befalls all of the forest and the very reason why does and bucks munch on tree's leaving them barkless until the winter thaws out. He lowered his head shattering a few pieces of ice crystals using his mighty, long and curled rack then shook it side to side. A few of the ice crystals land on his forehead.

It made the Great Buck look as though he is wearing a magnificent ice crown.

Which is not the case at the very moment.

He etched closer and closer to the  mighty tree.

How delicious it would be in the winter.

His lowered head prevented hurting his magnificent rack.

And the chapter ends there after 15 pages.

Awesome chapter!

Thank you, what did you think?


If I made a chapter that is 20 pages long, same response?

No reply.

Kay,I go and do it.




End rant.

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