Rant 122: Having Aspergers

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Aspergers is something that is part of the brain.

Its a brain thing.

Really it is.

You see people with Aspergers obsess over stuff for quite a long time and research what they are obsessing about. They are geniuses on some topics and some other topics they fail quite terribly at.For instance; I have Aspergers. I have a overly creative and huge imagination that overshadows the mathamatical part of my brain. It is part of what makes...me.

I am terrible at math, honestly.

Problems with more than two steps is a predicament that I try to get through.

And I fail at it; terribly.

For obsessing so long on Transformers and finally graduating into another obsession I have come to believe that I was supposed to be born this way. That I was supposed to not like the movie where Professor X dies. That I was suppose to avoid new Marvel movies until 2014 on April 25th at four something PM. That I was supposed to nearly miss the hallway scene. That I was suppose to get that one curious question in my head.

I believe now it is the work of fate.

I did my Ancestry tree a long time ago and you might want to have a clear mind.

I am related to William the Conquer, Lady Mary Wroth who wrote Urania and earned her first reputation as a writer, William the conquer's mentor, David Ethernington 8th earl of Huntington AKA Robin Hood,The guy who wrote the tree of common wealth in the tower for a year, a few knights, a couple town leaders from way back when,John Smyth the Carpenter, and so on.

I look back now to see that if I hadn't watched Thor then perhaps I wouldn't have delighted thousands of people with my humor, my story telling skills, and reached a bigger audience and befriended a lotta people.

Back to the Aspergers thing.

I can speak 90 words per minute when I am very excited.

So much that I don't pronounce some of my words correctly.

Such as 'r's.

Those are my enemy.

Verbal speaking is part of the Aspergers thing, too. It also comes with repeating certain habits and...Okay I need to show you an definition of Aspergers from the internet because I believe that describes Aspergers better than I.

Asperger syndrome is often considered a high functioning form of autism. It can lead to difficulty interacting socially, repeat behaviors, and clumsiness.

In real life I am an awkward girl, I pick my nose,I am sometimes clumsy,I am a pretty good artist, I am a short girl you can easily mistake for a eleven year old, you can mistake me for a boy if you only see my eyes  and my eyebrows when I am attempting to be sneaky, I wear glasses, and I have mad typing skills.

I am not familiar to the nickname 'Aspie' for Aspergers but I don't like it.

Do I go around nicknaming Dyslexia as Lexia?


I don't see the point in calling people with Aspergers 'Aspies'.

You don't have to vote.

End Rant.

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