Rant 19: Wattpad Friends

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Before I made this technical rant book; I was thinking about making a guide to Wattpad Friends; a guide about them.


1) The friends who copy you

    These are the friends that backsttab you in the back and copy what you write without giving credit to which story  of yours inspired them to write. These are the kinds that copy almost everything you do on wattpad; changing their icon at the same time you do, make a story STRONGLY similar to yours,and do the same thing you do with your story such as editing. However, if you get into the situation where you come to the time where they want to collab with you on one of your stories; then please mute them; because that is going over the bridge.

  2) The friends who you knew well until they did something so awful you terminated your friendship with them,

     Said awful thing may lead to them losing followers if they did it publicly, losing reputation in the fandom/fanbase they are in, and quite frankly there is no possibility that there will be a reconstructed friendship  .  .  .  Unless you are a really stubborn friend.

3) The desperate friends.

These friends are the kind that does EVERY. SINGLE. THING to get readers and votes and comments such as going against the guidelines regardless that they KNOW the guidelines.

  This will probably lead you to tag a mod or telling them to edit the thread so they don't get into trouble. And if they try to pull you into something that's gone amok from them going against the guidelines, then don't get into it. Seriously; let the mods handle  it or ignore them for the time being. If you are friends with them for many reasons and still care for them;then you are a stubborn as hell loyal friend.

4) The loyal friends.

   These friends are the kinds that really stick around; they have their ups and downs, including  have some issues But it's all right, because you are there for them. You are there to  know what's going on; what's wrong, youu keep secrets,what's up, who-just-made-you-sad,what-just-made-you mad,you remember what your friend said and do not delete the messages you had between them, comforting them about real life stuff, and you stand up for them  when they are doing something right and some-one says they are not.   until they do something very awful that leads you to stop following them.

 You are almost like a therapist at some points; and help your friends make good decisions (Whether they are good or not is another story that doesn't belong here) for themselves.

5) The stubborn as hell friends.

These are the people who go over a burning, broken  friendship bridge to speak with the person who burned it on fire  on Friend 2. who's part friend 1. This burning fire may force you to stop being the one who sends messages between them until the bridge has been fixed temporally, but, the burning bridge is beyond repair with another friend from across the bridge from your Friend Number 2. This means burning fire and broken bridge means your two friends are no longer friends and the relationship is over.

  You stick around regardless of what they do or say; you are stubborn, meaning you still follow them but you have to let your steam out once in a while so you chat with Friend Number 4 who is so loyal they don't tell a soul. Unless:

 Friend 2:  *Complains about friend 4 to friend 5*

Friend 5: *Messages friend 4 (who just forgave friend 2 for who did something very awful) tells friend 2 is complaining about friend 4*

Friend 4: *Decides to show what Friend 2 had said in reply to forgiveness* *Will never be friends with friend 2, again*

 Friend 5: *Gets mad and has a chat with friend 2*

 I decided to use this as a example from a real experience; but it doesn't usually go down this way for all friendships.It depends on the individuals that have these qualities that I have listed in the friends numbers.

 6) Friends who are not your friends and only follow you to increase their follow list.

 The title says it all, literately.

7) Wattpad friends who spoil.

 This can be either a bad or good thing; depending on who you are and who are you are telling these spoilers to. But during Doctor Who return season; you cannot give spoilers to Whovians. They will lash out, get mad, and be extremely furuous. They will be probably like a wild cat, T-Rex,and a dragon combined. You do not want to do this. However if you have befriended a person who is Friend 7 then mute them until Doctor Who return season is over and you  have seen the episodes if you CANNOT ignore your friend's posts (IF you follow them).

 8)Friends who help you

 These are Wattpad friends who do what friends do; they help, but not too much  unless there's a friend who needs sympathy.

9) Friends who are needy for Sympathy

They tell their story and they expect some-one to feel pity for them. Though this can get annoying to a point that everyone who this person messages will reply with random stuff or link youtube videos/pictures/articles etc. It can get fun until friend 9 then adapts to what you are doing which means you have to change your gameplan by ignoring their messages or muting them IF necessary.


  If this changes to the point friend 9 has slowly been wrecking friendships; then these random messages may stop or change to something along the lines of "Stop it." from Friend 9's former friends.

 10) Friends you once knew but have become some one you barely know.

A combination of the disastrous friend, sympathetic needy friend, the desperate friend, and the  copying friend that used to be a good person until their real life took a heavy toll on them.This usually occurs after this friend has done something so horrible and has lost people they were great friends with. Next step could be depression and dealing with it; it also could help if they write but  not to their friends, only for something to get rid of their anger with and not post it online. But they will get out of that and move on as you really wanted them to do from a terminated friendship  with you.

 11) Friends who tell you the truth about what's going on and what other friend said before story was deleted.

 These friends are the ones who get really concerned about what's going on between two of their friends. This worry can start when a friend 10 posts a chapter that explains everything that they are jealous of friend-whatever-the-hell-that-number is.This can be a really good trait friend 11 who has heard whatever-the-hell-that-friend-number is has been blowing off steam to them and tell them what problems has started towards friend 10.Friend 11 will begin the fire by telling friend 10 that they are wrong by being really honest.

  12) Friends who use you to their benifet

You are not their property. stop it. Stop giving in to the. Seriously, STOP IT. You are losing everything that drew you into a big fanbase as you enjoyed your writing. If you help them and let them use you to help their story become very popular then be warned: The aftermath is going to be very horrible, the treatment may become worse between you two if you both work non stop on it. By the time you withdraw from the relationship THEY HAVE EVERYTHING THEY NEVER HAD : They have a huge fanbase, lots of reads on the storys you worked on together, and quite frankly readers only read the collab story because of you being the person who worked on it with Friend 12.

  They pretty much used you as a tool, harshly.

  I felt so bad for making this friend 11 that I changed it.  What? I like 11.

Now.  .  . Um friends rant is over.



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