Rant 73: The 'Did I pick the right plot bunny' moment.

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Of course we all have that moment.

You can actually say this is like the rant from many rants ago that was about 'Should I have started the story differently?'. All right. Right when I think I got the other stuff planned out accordingly; I come up with 'Ivy.You need a longer time span between these events. It's still been ONE MONTH since Joy hit him with her Jeep by accident and such' and 'that frozen story arch is a iffy because Frost Giants and Margret and such'.

I'm not telling who Margret is.



Sorry, you are not getting any answers about her. She's just a rough draft character who may or may not make it into 'Joki' as a plot related character. I decided  'Why not? This story needs to be long with twists, moments, development, and oh yeah ice-cream. and a really good ending that sets it as a potential stand alone'. Here's the thing about Joy; she was originally meant to die at the end. Yes, she was meant to die.

I'm attempting to figure out how to make her fate not seem cheesy or very 'WHY DID YOU KILL HER WHEN IT;S  A LOVE STORY? THE TITLE IS JOKI, NOT JOY DIES!'. I had been thinking to make this story something that not all Loki fans came across.I wanted to make it so that IT.DIDN'T.FOLLOW.UP..TO.THE. AVENGERS.

Sorry for the caps.

There's lots of emphasis on it.

When I wrote  'Step into Asgard'. I was VERY determined not to make the  'he's adopted' scene with the other avengers. I had seen that scene TWICE in two Loki fan fics; probably in  May when I was writing 'Step into Asgard'. You see in April or May--when I was writing Step into Asgard--; I browsed the Loki fanfics list and saw most of them involved 'Princesses of Asgard' or 'Daughter of Loki'.

And then, months later, there are 'fangirl gets sent to Asgard' cliche running around.

I feel it is safe to say it started on Quotev. A Loki Fan Girl asked if she could use my story line; I said yes, then she wrote her story, and then it inspired someone else to make 'Why me?; on Quotev  that has 50,000+ reads or 32,000+ reads on Quotev. You can guess inspiration traveled way fast on Quotev that it traveled back to Wattpad who were inspired from quotev and wrote the slag outta it; except they made different versions of the cliche.

Which is cool by me.


Not all of them start by 'Bifrost takes girl to Asgard'. They start off by 'Loki and Thor take girl to Asgard' or it's Thor/Loki take girl to Asgard'. 

I don't know if I am gloating or just making a wild claim. But I'm proud to say that Step into Asgard pretty much helped the second inspired person get lots of fame and stuff outta it. That's what makes me happy. She got to write something so good that more people were able to enjoy it. The funny thing is that Step into Asgard is about friendship. So yeah; it didn't get a bunch of reads since it wasn't romance. Hah. It's really funny when you think about it.

So I decided next to try out the  'Joki' pairing and spent lots of brainstorming.

Idea number 1; Joy and Loki were childhood friends. Joy was made a guardian of some item at a young age at some water source and Loki tricked her into straying away from it. So Odin made a curse on her to be trapped in the water as some ugly reptile scaled creature similar to the lochness monster with three heads and can freeze people with her eyes. 

  Joy does not  trust Loki for a long time; even when he returns later as a adult. She can take on her human form but has a certain hate towards Loki.

Idea Number 2:  Joy and Loki grew up together, as childhood friends, and then the events of Thor happens.

Idea Number 3: Joy hits Loki with her car by accident.

Idea number 4: Joy and Loki meet as kids, and then something bad happens, and then Joy's sent to Asgard to live out her long Asgardian life.

Idea number 5: Joy, as a Asgardian, visits Midgard and she is somehow murdered. Odin sends Loki to retrieve Joy's body. But later turns out she never died, she had been unconscious so her spirit was roaming around until someone found her body and returned it to Asgard. Her body had been hidden under a pile of rocks.

Idea number 3 was chosen because I was listening to 'Bleeding love' and the rain that was getting wiped off by the windowshield wipers scene was in my head.

I am not the best romance writer.

You see I fear writing it because it may become something like Sims; focuses on different generations. I fear writing fluff because of that, also that I did  rolepay in 2011 with a Transfan in bookform and had lots of fluff and stuff. I ended the roleplay because it didn't feel like Transformers.And that's when I went on to writing 'Haunting on Malbury Street'.

Anyway; this is why I write funny adventures with things you never expect.

Also that I'm still writing Joki because I intend on FINISHING it and making it something to be PROUD of.

If you don't know what Joki means; it means Joy and Loki. A fan of Step into Asgard coined that word on Movellas.

Also, lately, when I write with a pen the words 'this' or that', it comes out as 'Thor'. Probably because I've been writing Thor as the villain.

The reason why I am writing this rant is because I am lashing out my frustrations attempting to write this follow able book that doesn't sound rushed. I like to make stories interesting. When people read my stories; I expect them to get aboard a roller coaster they never read. Or something to laugh at in the comedian audience.

What I am really saying is figuring out which events happen first or what should happen after this key event in 'Acting can be improvised' is important. I have plans for other characters.I've thought of using Joy's strange impairment to her eyes as something that later is explained as a 'seer thing' possibly. If that does happen in the future of 'Joki' then this is actually good progress, hopefully.

I also imagine what if Joy learned Peter Quill was Loki's son. But then I think  'But the story says Loki lands on Midgard and must learn what love is. Joy is blind technically and connected to Loki's past--no wait Loki is connected to HER past. Also that she discovers there's more danger that lurks around when acquainted with Loki'.

But I really want to keep it as a stand alone so I won't ruin this storyline into two books that will get a crappy ending in the second book.

This is when you can say I'm having a  'did I pick the right plot bunny?' moment and a  'This little stubborn book must go on!' determination.

Hopefully all the hard work, effort, thinking, brainstorming, putting scenes into the 'deleted scenes' book,and motivation will pay off at the ending. Joki is set in a alternate universe. And if I do make another Loki story then hopefully it will be good. So good I can say  'worth it'.

Yes. I over-worry about my storylines. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

End rant.

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